Follow this one concept to create an effortless golf swing!

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Hey guys in today’s lesson video I will show you guys the biggest misconception in the golf swing! Please follow this lesson and I guarantee that you will have a natural free flowing golf swing without any tension.
This effortless golf swing will help you increase your speed and distance!

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Kakaotalk ID – kevinhwangjr

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Please click the link below and it will take you to my lesson page. Do not purchase anything and click FOLLOW. Then a message will be automatically sent to you and you can send in your swing videos in that message ????????

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@shmitty33 says:

Agree with everything except I don't see the separation. It sure looks like your coming down together to me

@ihateucla2 says:

Is this mainly for irons? Does the motion change for woods and driver?

@ronnyr9760 says:

Making lots of sense. I never like the classic golf coaching.

@greggallego3111 says:

Lower body slings upper body on downswing?

@The00boxster says:

This is what I’ve been telling people for years. Unfortunately it took me years to find this out for myself, I remember when the “X Factor “ story came out in golf digest and I bought it hook line and sinker, to my own detriment.

@gadeaplanet says:

good lesson! Thanks!

@WyleCote says:

So simple yet so effective!

@thetruthrenegade says:

Most people in the US, need to develop YIN (soft) energy and speed before they can develop it in their golf swing.

@dimtgco1428 says:

You know what? You're right. This explains why I'm always rebounding (bouncing) back from the top of my backswing. To stop it , I force myself to stop all motion at the top. But I find that I can't do that without a prolonged pause, and I look ridiculous. The other players might as well go out for their lunch at the top of my backswing. So now I'm experimenting with putting a loop at the top. But that has me hooking it a whole fairway over. I don't know what else to do? Any ideas?

@murph6253 says:

Are you flipping your hands at impact to square the club?

@pengu4932 says:

Just realized I get all of my golf habits from, its from my disc frisbee days as a kid. I couldnt throw it well regular, I flicked everything… as a right handed player

@amihanov says:

Did anyone see where the ball came from at 6.11 ??? What's that ???

@joecalvacca3195 says:

Kevin can u demonstrate the downswing I notice that u dip on the way down

@norbertdrust9009 says:

Very true! I just started doing this, and it works!

@isaaclin1641 says:

Great explanation. Important I believe it cos my son throws his club similar to the way you do it. His 7 iron is 170 m carry as logged on the simulator on the range. There is both visual and electronic verification. My other son same age don't seem to be able to generate the same speed and his swing does not seem to have the throws pattern like yours. He average 140 m for his 7. Still alright but I believe in using your body both upper and lower to throw the arms with the club together across the ball.

@tig3rBite says:

You're asian. Only another asian can be better. Fawk. SoaB!

@tati03049 says:

where did you get your trousers

@bobbys4327 says:

I really like your easy to understand explanations on the different parts of the swing. Nice video! That is some serious speed from a nice rhythm!

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