Golf Practice Nets | Good or Bad for your Golf Swing?

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My honest opinion about using golf practice nets either in a garage or in your backyard.

I think they are good in the sense that they allow you to develop good contact with a real golf ball, but are not so beneficial because you don't see the ball flight.

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My gear:
Flightscope mevo ▶
Video editing Macbook Air ▶
Videos recorded with Iphone XR ▶
GST – 5 GL swing radar ▶
Tablet used for mevo app ▶

My backyard setup:
Type of grass in my green ▶
Golf net ▶
Golf mat ▶
Real feel mat ▶
Wiffle balls ▶
Swinguide ▶
Dimpled foam balls ▶
Yellow foam balls ▶
???? Track Info:

Title: I_Feel_Like_Partying_Right_Now, Intro and outro: Uh_Oh (non copyright music)
License: You're free to use this song and monetize your videos



My name is Erich and I live in Italy welcome to my channel. I used to play golf on and off for many years, but I started my journey again about 8 years ago, changing my swing completely.

My goal is to become a single figure handicap golfer in the near future.

To achive this goal, I built my own backyard putting green and set up a backyard golf net. I love playing in my backyard green, doing drills, club reviews and playing at the range and at the course to get better at the game and ultimately reach my goal (hopefully).


Feel free to follow me on Instagram


@thebackyardgolfer7010 says:

My honest opinion on using golf nets

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@khadijamoulir2052 says:

Ponjor est mirsi ????????????❤????

@metalheads-golf says:

You are right. The net in these times can be helpful and also harmful. Not seeing the ballfligth is missing out on the best feedback there is for how the swing was. Unfortunately I didn't have enough space for the training foam balls. Stay metal, Eric. ????????????????????

@ForetoFourGolf says:

there is no substitute for seeing a ball flight, but if your launch monitor allows output to an ipad or phone that would be close…

@mcbroombroom08 says:

I think golf nets are best for warming up and getting a feel for new swing moves but they can be good. The mat is the main problem with them they can easily disguise poor shots as good ones eg fat shots. So i think its good to hit all shots of a tee with a line drawn on the ball to also show where exactly on the clubface you are hitting it. I also like to put headcovers or bottles down near the ball to see if im swinging out or in. Video checks are good to and alignment sticks for aim and ball position are a must. Most if not all swing faults stem from bad set ups. Even the pros set ups need a reset every few tournaments. I like to use my "japman" to check ball speeds and smash and can even play games trying to hit a certain ball speed or distance. Its also easy to spend too long in the net just hitting balls apparently an hour and a half or so is optimal for quality after that focus drops fatigue sets in and bad habits emerge. Hitting the same club repeatedly is also easy to do and a bad habit. Random is the best for golf course improvement. Playing a "golf course" in the net is a great way to improve especially if you can get a mat with different lengths. Hitting driver picking somewhere to aim at the net then go through preshot routine etc and play the next shot with a different club the way it would have ended up on your "course" with another club.

@jackpietryka2360 says:

Hey I’m about to start doing golf videos again can you give me some tips to grow on YouTube

@LetsPlayThru says:

I don’t think I could use one without a device that can show spin / or a simulator.

@ChiliDippaGolf says:

I think having a net is a great asset as an addition but not an alternative for practice. Most mats can be a real issue with ballstriking since they are pretty forgiving compared to hitting off natural grass.

@shanksabunchgolfvlogs3005 says:

GREAT VIDEO! We’re a new channel hoping to grow our following! We’d be really grateful if you could go check us out and subscribe

@thehairygolfer says:

I use a net to warm up at the golf course before playing. I just rehearse my moves and get my back working. It's very useful. But I would never use a net for a proper practice session, you have to see the ball flight for that.

@TheMidnightGolfer says:

Nice no substitute for playing ⛳️ we can start to play on Wednesday in uk ???????? but only on your own . ????????????????

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