Please do not do this if you want an effortless golf swing!

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Hey guys in today’s lesson I will show you guys the biggest mistake amateur golfers make in the golf swing. If you guys fix this one thing you will be able to create an effortless golf swing and gain distance immediately!

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Kakaotalk ID – kevinhwangjr

Instagram DM ???? Kevin Hwang Jr. (@kevinhwangjr)Instagram › kevinhwangjr

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Please click the link below and it will take you to my lesson page. Do not purchase anything and click FOLLOW. Then a message will be automatically sent to you and you can send in your swing videos in that message ????????

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@anandshah71 says:

Wow he hits 7 iron as much as I hit my driver

@billmalec says:

'7 iron' with 5 iron loft? Still impressive at 191 yard carry i guess.

@fjvideos6522 says:

Thanks Kevin. Very clear explanation

@neilh1674 says:

Can you create a video of your backswing. It appears quite shallow, but is clearly amazing (effortless 200yd 7 iron – wow). Can you walk us through the feels for the correct takeaway and, what not to do.

@erictv9960 says:

Very good explanation and original content ????
Please be aware, the point is not, what not to do..
Most of the video though is filled explaining what not to do.

The last part "what to do" is extremely valuable! thanks!

@76MUTiger says:

Kevin, this was a great explanation. My coaches have been trying to teach me this. At first your explanation was not clicking for me, but once I saw your sequence (lower body, then upper body) it made sense. And they way you explain to think about it really helps! This aligns very well to how Mike Bender teaches.

@mikeatback says:

There a lot of tips out there. Many require knowing how to swing first but i think this one is good for the beginner. The other most common thing a beginner may do is already forming the habit of standing up in the middle of the swing. I think kevins swing is also a little bit too heavy on the club head rotation which makes it harder to control especially when swinging faster.

@mikefleming676 says:

Always great tips !

@HoneyTitan says:

How tall are u? Do u extend ur shaft?

@philb7942 says:

Great explanation, thanks.

@danielcharles4085 says:

Genius. Love the data. Great video

@burlymugg says:

exact feedback I get from my coach, but great to see it reinforced here. Love the channel

@BHJ7115 says:

Great content!

@VimMitt says:

Drop the club in a slot and rotate entire body to target is the secret.

@VimMitt says:

U do not open your upper body but u drop the arms down from top as soon a possible. Watch video by Padraig Harrington pGA tour winner.

@VimMitt says:

Please talk about early releasing the club from top of backswing which is the most armature are not doing it. They are more worried about forward shaft lean which is absurd. Thats why they never can hit ball far and straight.

@timothypollock8358 says:

I just want to point out that what your hips do in an effective golf swing (such as yours) is ENTIRELY dependant on how you take your backswing. For instance Cameron Champ who's hips are incredibly open at impact, turns the sternum towards the trail side and upward in the backswing but not to the rear and his lead shoulder and head move out towards the ball and he has a tremendous preservation of width as he lifts his arms at the top of the swing. This can be seen with longer shafted clubs especially by how high and relatively straight his cocked trail elbow is at the top. This takes tremendous flexibility. It also results in the sternum being able to stay forward during the entire swing and the hips to open up maximally through impact.

Your motion is a little more like Adam Scott's where the sternum travels more towards the rear of the body and a little upward. This turn serves as a platform for a very pure cocking and uncocking of the trail arm and wrist, which in your case largely parallels the pulling back of the trail hip. Since this type of turn is a little more trail side oriented (trail side is pulled back as the trail arm and hand are cocked, like drawing a bow), in order to maintain rotational forces on the club during the downswing the lead side shoulder is pulled back as the highly recessed trail side comes forward. This results in the shoulder line pulling back a little from the address line as the club is slung through impact; something also seen in Scott's swing in many cases. However Scott maintains a lot of knee flex at address and throughout the swing with a restricted backsiwng hip turn which holds him closer to the ball and allows him to have more hip rotation through the ball than is the case in your swing. This also means that your arms tend to release a little more out towards the ball whereas Scott's stay a little closer to his torso. So it's all about symmetry, release, and turn structure. Champ's hips are very closed to very open, Scott's are less closed to more open, and yours are more closed to less open. Both you and Scott are less symmetrical than Champ because of the way you turn your shoulders and sternum in the backswing. Of all of the three variants, yours gives the most lattitude for a huge component of trail arm and trail hand release as a predominant power source. It's a very nice swing though. I would wonder about face rotation being a bit too high though for golf at the highest level but with controlled swings, would probably still work. Cheers.

@paul5589 says:

Thank you, Kevin.

@ayotollaofrockandrolla7219 says:

Thais guys who promote chest opening made me play terrible

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