Change Your Club Path – Clock Drill

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Change Your Club Path – Clock Drill
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Rick delivers straight talking, easy to follow, honest, professional, calculated advice to all of his viewers from beginner to tour pro. This tried and tested method of coaching has helped many golfers achieve their personal goals and beyond.


Matt Jordan says:

Great video rick!! I'm all over the place. I'm trying to enter at 7oclock but nit linking my body up first.

Zachary Kartje says:

Great video. The club angle at impact/clock guide was extremely helpful. Cheers!

Manatee 7 says:

Too much analysis = paralysis!…just hit the ball at 7 o'clock and ur swing will automatically correct itself …done!

VOreason says:

Wow Rick, I heard Trevino talk about 7 o’clock contact but always thought the 12 was on top at address… So I would try to hit at 5 but swing back inside to 7….It was a tight arc! Lol Thanks for turning the clock face!!!

Justin Parsino says:

I am very appreciative for this I can't tell you how much you helped my over the top/steep swing. It doesn't matter how much you focus on what body parts are doing and shallowing your swing, if you try to hit the ball at 6 you will come over the top everytime.

April C says:

When I was still a beginner, I managed to attain a slice and one hundred fifty yards by performing a normal drive. When I tried out the , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) golf swing techniques, the regular drives I strike range from 200-220 yards. Sometimes even a bit longer. My handicap has gone from a 26 to a 16. Get this guide today and don’t get left behind.

OXin says:

Just found Rick earlier this year.. Cant recognize the clean shave, voice stays the same though 😛

The Lampman says:

Rick please redo this video with the fight scope !!!NOW

SunRider says:

Random dude walking around in the background. Love it

diliviof says:

My normal drive back when I was starting out went one hundred fifty yards by slice. When I tried out the , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) golf swing techniques, the regular drives I strike range from 200-220 yards. Sometimes even longer. Today, my handicap is sixteen compared to when I was starting out with twenty six. Get yourself this guide now and do not miss the opportunity.

Nak Kang says:

Rick remake these videos!

Johnny Parker says:

THANK YOU ! This is golden. Too many motions are physically demonstrated and not mentally understood.

JT_22 says:

Curious why 12 o’clock is where he has it. From the standing position, wouldn’t it make sense, looking down at the ball to have the clock face in its natural orientation? For example, entering at 3 and exiting at 9? (With 12 being opposite of you?)

April C says:

When I was still a beginner, I was able to achieve a slice and 150 yards by performing a normal drive. After mastering these golf swing techniques. Now I hit drives between 200 and 220 yards and sometimes much longer. My handicap has gone from a 26 to a 16. Look for the guide and try using it today.. You can find this guidebook on Google. Name is Logan Ballοyshot

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