Golf Swing Footwork | You Have Been Told The Wrong Information?

Click For Free Video: Golf Swing Footwork | You Have Been Told The Wrong Information

If you're worried about your stance or maybe your weight shift through the downswing? Check your footwork with this video for golf swing footwork you have been told the wrong information. Get these tips on footwork for your stance, the roll through contact, and the finish. Make sure you're shifting correctly and rotating on the heels properly. Learn how driving your foot in the ground allows you to raise up slightly allowing for good club path. See how important your feet are in these basic motions. Align your feet and start accessing that extra power and pick up some extra yards with a great stance. Remember to not roll up on your ankle and practice twisting. Let's Get Started!

I look forward to working with you much more in the future with Top Speed Golf. Good luck with your golf.

Clay Ballard

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6 thoughts on “Golf Swing Footwork | You Have Been Told The Wrong Information?

  1. all the great swingers of the past really lifted that left foot and slammed that sucker back down. They didn't just put it back down. They used it to get that lesd leg going and it also takes the left hip out of the way.

  2. Glad to see you doing your own "thing" now. Videos are very well put together, and you're actually swinging a club and hitting balls (what a concept), unlike those "other" guys who just talk through their videos. Keep up the great work man.

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