? Brian Harman WINS At Royal Liverpool | FULL ROUND HIGHLIGHTS | SUNDAY

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What a week it has been at Royal Liverpool. And what a week it has been for Brian Harman.

After mastering both the elements and the links of Hoylake, the 36-year-old from Savannah, Georgia will forever be known as a Champion Golfer.

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Damien Kearns says:

Harman – Slow, boring player, 12 club waggles / looks at the target before hitting ? Dismissive and ignorant towards scoreboard carrier et al before every round. Putter like a metal detector.
Anybody to win but him, smh. Anybody.

Frozenbabypanda says:

This is what The Open can bring.
Wicked bounces off undulating turf, small bunkers you have to play sideways/backwards from, wind & rain, internal OOB.
The best players in the world don't always win The Open, but the best player this week did.

Phillip Rousu says:

lol, show us all of these missed putts implying Harman sucks, just show us Harman's shots instead of missed putts from stars ya twats

Ssquire11 says:

Y’all did him dirty on the thumbnail image. he looks like dopey

CosmicApe says:

I really hope we see an "every shot" video of Harman's win. I didn't get to watch any of the tournament but would love to see shot-by-shot how he pulled of a 6 stroke win and made 58 out of 59 putts inside 10 feet. Just insane!

Native NoSmoke says:

Wait a minute this is murr from impractical jokers

Joe says:

why you have to put the winner in the title

Jordan K says:

It’s hard to say a great player like Rory is overrated. But he is overrated. And before you start typing, remember what overrated means. It’s means a player gets way too much hype and praise for the level he competes at. You would think with how many highlights and how many people picked Rory to win at least 2 majors this year, that he’s been winning major championships left and right. The last time Rory won a major Tom Watson was still competing on the PGA tour.

Jordan K says:

Oh that’s gotta hurt. God they were all on board the Rory and Fleetwood train. Is any shocked they didn’t win? No?

V.P says:

Brits always talk so much trash about American fans, but the gallery today was horrible. So disrespectful, and rude. I’m so glad he won just to shut those horrible people up. Be better England.

dizzle says:

just came here to say, lefties on top

S Khalsa says:

Well played and clearly deserved the win he earned… nobody gave it to him. That said, I believe his win supports my contention that in this era it is so much harder to win majors than it once was. Today the fields are so deep, the standard it takes to even get out there is amazing, anybody in the field can win at any time. Rory, Rahm and the rest of the top pros aren't just competing against each other, they've got to beat 140 or so other guys as well to win. If this continues we may never again see anybody match Tiger's majors wins, much less Jack's.

Robert Schissler says:

This morning Nick Faldo early this morning stated no way would Harman win Faldo better go back to Montana. ? Brian thanks for making him look like the idiot he is ?

Stepky Copky says:

It’s so good that McIllroy did not win…..

aSmugPigeon says:

GO DAWGS! That is all.

Andrew Harris says:

The result nobody wanted?


What a great guy, congratulations!

know more by reading this article https://newsburstinginsights.blogspot.com/2023/07/brian-harman-wins-english-open-in-his.html

Chuck Schwal says:

Great golf…beating all the bombers….what's with the Uk media? Are they a bunch of vegans!

AJA says:

Happy for BH because he combined his golf skills to play the course as it was required to win. Nothing flashy. No pictures on the scorecard.

Brian Smith says:

I was in an airport and couldn't hear what the British were chirping Harman with though which the announcers were say was "quite nasty". What were they yelling?

MrEaglesfan221 says:

That mf is 4ft11 ?

Joetato says:

Congratulations Brian, well done. Looks like team Europe has some great players to choose from for the Ryder Cup. So bring it team Europe!

John Mac says:

Ponting you star – 51 test average and now a major winner !!

r m says:

Playing through four days of rain, he played like it was sunny and windless. Congrats

Shawn says:

Ubelievable performance among all the best players! Gives hope to all of us who aren't physically gifted with being 6'2" and can bomb it off the teebox!

wreckim says:

Why doesn't Rory win one of these again? Because, as @bigdogpete43 points out, he didn't make 58/59 putts inside 10 feet. All top ten players in every major hit the ball about as well as they can…and Rory does that better than just about anyone. But his putting is always pedestrian, not awful, just ok. Not good enough…yet.

SiLo Mixing and Mastering says:

Harman has the skills to pay the bills. Dominant display and a masterclass performance.

Gregory Chu says:

Don’t spoil the ending in the title

Vitrius says:

6to emiliano grillo.. no pasaron ningún golpe en el resumen del 4to dia .. que vergüenza…

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