3 Drills That Will TRANSFORM Your Golf Swing – In this weeks Impact Show, we have a special guest in 6 time European Tour winner Simon Dyson. He talks us through 3 drills that made him so prolific on tour and he believes these drills are good enough to TRANSFORM every golfers game!
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We are proud to be partnered with these brands ??
Lol, I tried the 3rd drill, overswung, missed the ball and pulled a muscle.
Gotta remember to listen ALL the advice.
I have a couple of mates that used to play Hurley, they have that kack handed grip (we call it a Hurley grip) and they hit their irons so long with a short swing. Always wondered how.
Love the simplicity of these. Addresses so many issues without much thought.
Great Video xx
I actually used this today, my two practice swings cack hand then hit my shot. Went from 92 to 85 felt great thanks guys
His 9 iron goes 162 yards ?
I wished to learn about appropriate Golf swing and the , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) was the first guide I selected. Presented in the guide are significant advices such as choosing the proper club model and length depending on your arm length, height, and shoulder width. The modules have been very benefi cial, enabling me to lower my handicap from a 22 to a 15 in the last year..
The word "Literally" just got drilled in this video
I second a previous commenters question about Simon's thick grips? What are the benefits? What caused him to make the switch? I honestly think its the first and only time I've seen that thick of a grip on any other club than the putter. Love your content, @MeandMyGolf, thank you for all the great content! Cheers!
Can you give anymore info on the thick grips on Simon’s irons.
This is the video I’ve been after, quality tips for me to warm up on the driving range with (beginner player)
Simon mentioned the exact same problems I had! uncanny!
Love these drills. Hadn't seen the third one before can't wait to try it.
The feet together, even as a practice swing before you hit the ball is amazing. When you practice swing make sure you brush the ground. This has changed my game. Now a low 80s game from low 90s in one month. Love you guys.
I started with golf in May 2019, took approximately 10 lessons and try to be at the driving range at least once a week. From May 2020 up to today August 2020, my score has been consistently between 88 and 93, with best score of 86. Hopefully one year from now, I will be able to shoot between 85 and 90
the cack hand drill is going to change my life i already use the other two for myself as well as when i’m giving lessons, but the cross handed drill is going to help me a lot with not getting my hands in front of the shot
Simon has amazing shoulder/spine posture. Can’t emphasize enough how much that helps.
Really great channel
I was wondering about thé bal position on thé second drill ?
What's cack handed? I couldn't see what he was doing? No close up?
Great drills. How much time should one spend doing these and how do we implement them say at the driving range?
7:54 telepathy confirmed lol