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ARE NEW GOLF CLUBS ANY BETTER THEN OLD GOLF CLUBS WELL AFTER MAKING THIS VIDEO I AM NOW NOT SO SURE THERE WAS 27 YRS DIFFERENCE AND OUR MID HANDICAPPER EBAY PETE WAS AS SHOCKED AS I WAS THERE WAS NO DIFFERENCE AT ALL I HAVE TO DO THIS TEST NOW WITH THE NEW Taylormade M6 Driver, Taylormade M5 Driver, Callaway Epic Flash Driver, Callaway Epic Flash Sub Zero Driver, Titleist TS3 Driver, Titleist TS2 Driver, Cobra F9 Driver, Mizuno ST190 Driver, PING G410 Drivers… I think its fair to say 2019 has us all covered for new►MAKE SURE YOU BECOME A GOLF MATE FOR FREE

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GOPRO session 5


I’m Liam Harrison, Bolton born and bred. I’m a lover of Golf, life and laughter.

Started Golf 12 years ago after packing in football when i was 28 due to a back injury.

I started the Youtube channel as a laugh and a Wim, to make me practice but that went out the window as i started vlogging, loving being on camera but more so the interaction with my #golfmates.

In 14 months i have seen the channel evolve and become the only real golf community on Youtube which i am extremly proud of.

I would like to thank all the #golfmates that have been with us and supported us and the channel from the start. Also not forgetting our new #golfmates that may have only just come across the channel.


@adriancox-thesantjordigolf3646 says:

31 years…91 to 2022

@felawes says:

eBay's got a nice swing. I still play Ping Eye 2 BeCu irons and for woods either Ping Zing blondes 1-3-5-7 or Callaway Big Berthas 1-3-5-7-9.

@phillipstewart2031 says:

You won't get more distance, rather the mishits are alot more forgiving

@stuartbrown1426 says:

Why does Pete grip down so much with his left hand he'd hit the ball a lot further if he gripped up a bit but good video lads.

@samuelwood876 says:

The longest drive I EVER hit was with a persimmon head, brass back weighted driver.

@TheShaunsc says:

I have that same Titleist driver PT9.5 and hits so hard to hit!

@iannaylor231 says:

I gamed the PT for 3 or 4 years in early 90s before moving into a Great Big Bertha warbird.

@frslas says:

Golf equipment is a big business. Remember that next time you feel the need to spend $500 on a new driver.

@PuReJellybean says:

Golf is just a money racket

@Tall-Cool-Drink says:

Love watching old farts golfing.

@herbertgearing1702 says:

It's true. The driver I hit best in my life for years was a used driver with a small steel head 11° with a graphite shaft made in the 90s. I used to crush that club, and I could even hit it solid but low off the fairway if needed.

@bassworship50 says:

Running like an escape convict, hahahahahaha

@jimbeaver27 says:

I went back to a small head driver from around 2002 and I really love it. I hit long and straight with it. It just feels better than any of the big headed drivers I have, and I have had a few. I'll never go back. I did also pickup a superior small header from around same era, actually ended up with one more accurate and one longer so I carry both in the bag. Both my drivers were used and peanuts to buy.

@billjones8542 says:

He was fitted for the driver at 44.5 inch length then chokes up on it 4 inches? What sort of fitting is that? BTW, hit them in the middle of the face and they all go about the same distance with the same shafts and balls.

@jonwatts5556 says:

Ebay Pete OK pal about my age * he younger than you slap head ???? grow some ????

@Listman11 says:

Does fitting not include shaft length? His fitter should be ashamed of himself.

@2007dixiegirl says:

eBay seems to hit the new club smoother but the old club is kind of foreign to him. Cool video.

@howardk1924 says:

Very simply, this man does not have enough club head speed to hit any driver. He should be teeing off with a 3 or probably, 5 wood.

@Listman11 says:

If he got fitted, why is he choking up 3 inches?

@johnalden6584 says:

Analogously speaking, If a blind man played golf, he wouldn’t know the difference bw a new big head club & the old small head. He would go by the feel .

@Jpgundarun says:

My steel shaft, stainless steel head Prosimmon Driver used to go further than my current driver I use now ( Titleist 913 D2). Maybe it was the fact the person swinging it (me) was 20 years younger (fitter, stronger, more flexible, more hair etc) than now? Hmmmm?

@Neil2022 says:

I had an old Bridgestone driver which is over 10 year old, never had anything as long since.

@Neil2022 says:

Love the nicknames????

@styxiron says:

better do test VS 983K, was an absolute beast

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