How to generate EFFORTLESS speed from an EASY swing!

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My top tips to achieve an effortless golf swing and easy swing speed.

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My best golf tips on how to achieve an effortless golf swing and gently drive your golf ball further. Find inevitable power in your golf swing and discover how to get that slow easy golf swing, too! You could consider this to be the best driver swing for senior golfers, and the easiest swing in golf for anyone looking to nail their swing sequencing.

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Peter Finch Golf says:

Thank you for watching, I wish you every success with your golf ❤️

Jamie Sloan says:

This is a gem, Pete. Tempo, and rhythm is key to good golf. It’s why someone’s practice swing is fluid, and effortless, and then putting that scary little white ball in front of them makes them jerk, and lunge. Your swing is a great one to copy. Excellent tempo. It looks so effortless, yet you hit it a mile.

G G says:

Proper proper decent video. Nice and simple, but mega effective.
Keep your videos like this, and maybe more on the course… I can see a lot of people using this.

AfroDevil4 says:

I will absolutely be watching this video again before going to the range next!

Vinikama TV says:

Love this video. I'm of an age that Tigers 2000/01 swing was the pinnacle. And when you watch it it was extremely calm and measured until an extreme acceleration at the release. A thing of beauty. Of course Adam Scott was very very similar. For me it's the ultimate golf swing

Smudge Smith says:

When I first started playing again after a cardiac arrest, I found I was striking the ball much better and hitting it further and more accurately than before. However, as I gained some fitness and strength back, I started to TRY and it fell away. I am now doing my best to get back to 'swinging easy' and not reverting to my default setting of brute force and ignorance! Thanks for the video to help keep me on track.

Industrial Pallet Worx says:

Great stuff Pete. I shall certainly be trying this out

boruzki says:

its crazy that so few people give counting as advide, it helped me soooo much with my rythm
for me, because im german its "einundzwanzig, zweiundzwanzig" (twentyone, twentytwo) and that takes about two seconds while saying out loud. so if anyone speaking german wants to improve rythm and start counting i highly recommend trying this out

Gary Clarke says:

Playing later today gonna try this ?

DFM024 says:

Great video Pete. And yes I've been trying to emulate your very own swing with great results for my game. I haven't played and enjoyed playing golf this much for a very long time. Cheers to you?

Richard ‘Bladehart’ Stewart says:

Very good video. I am constantly trying to rush my shots. Thanks amigo

bigdoogs82 says:

Pete, I have been watching you for years loads of top tips as always. I have always wondered how you manage to generate so much distance considering your swing looks so effortless. Keep up the great content – I'm off to the range to try and practice your methods!

Manny Miranda says:

I normally shot around 85, after watching this video I almost broke 80. My swing was powerful and effortless. Thank You

Jason Manuel-Morgan says:

i'll have you know, mr Finch, that your swing is the one that I watch before matches or competitions.

mattabell10 says:

My golf pro instructor recommended you, when I asked whom I should get YouTube tips from!! Great videos!

Dan Vranic says:

Of all videos I’ve ever watched this is the one that has had the most impact on my game. Thanks Peter !

Paul Kelly says:

Great tip as always Peter.

Tristan Blank says:

Wait. This is brilliant Pete! I haven't ever thought of this. I feel like swing thoughts eat me alive because I'm a slicer. My coach tells me I should be a 10 but I'm like a 34.. scary. But I'm going to give this a whirl this weekend. Thanks!!

fahmiamri says:

Thanks for this Pete. Now i get it. Will be doing this a lot from now on to get my rhythm

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