This super simple golf tip helped Danny Maude's recent student gain over 60 yards of total distance.
Nick, who you get to see on the video came to Danny struggling with consistency and a lack of distance on both His driver and his irons. Danny noticed straight away the problem. His golf swing was very stiff and wooden caused by way too many swing thoughts.
Stage 1 involved simplifying the whole process so that Nick was much more relaxed over the ball. What Nick wasn't prepared for was what came next…
With the aid of TrackMan Nick saw immediately longer drives. What surprised him the most though was that they were really straight.
Nick described his new golf swing as effortless and so much more enjoyable to play golf with.
In this weeks golf instruction video learn how to hit your driver straight, stop slicing your driver and do it in a way that will give you an easy effortless golf swing
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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!
I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.
On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.
Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble
I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!
This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.
I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.
We look at 3 things:
1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver
and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing
Hope you enjoy
Great video. Thank you.
Thanks! Very good!
The smile on Nick’s face says it all. You are coaching swing but providing hope and joy!
wow,think i know how to swing better now! thank you!
I wouldn't mind if someone were to comment on my post. I've just picked up the game again at 68 years old. I've replaced all of my stiff shafted irons and regular shafted driver for senior flex. My swing speed appears to be in the neighborhood of 70 mph. I would think that my driver should carry more than 150 yards. Any thoughts?
Great thoughts!
I say this out love Danny, can’t be rocking the pink/black with the blue bottoms lol
Hi Danny, How do I go from 285 yards to 315 yards
As usual. You articulate your point very well. You were born to teach golf. Cant wait to start practicing. Thank you!! Danny
Answer: Botox for the arms lol.
Tried this at the range today and the distance is ridiculous, if I can take it to the course, I will have a good time! Just scared to do it!
Brilliant video lesson. It works! So helpful, many thanks Danny.
I love this video but was wondering will this same concept work with irons?
Hi Danny, thank you very much for your great and educational videos. They are simply explained and really bring you a lot. You make by far the best golf videos here on Youtube
Danny, I have a problem with gripping the club tightly. On a 1-10 scale….what do you feel??
Thank you.
I think we all have that sensation of "must have used the practice swing" (which normally is perfect). The problem is that we DO that practice swing without aiming or set up properly. When you try to set up in front of the ball everything changes because of your position in relation to the ball, how to set your shoulders or even your weight, etc. As I said before, everything changes. But thanks, @Danny Maude. The video's given me another point of view
Building a lead weighted driver for practice swings will loosen up a swing almost immediately. It will also build the strength and flexibility of golf muscles. It is important to start relatively light with few repetitions to avoid injuries or sore muscles. To build it just cut a hole in the end of the grip, drop split shot (fishing weights) down the shaft one at a time and pound each one in with a steel rod with the proper diameter and longer than the shaft. Hold the clubhead with the other hand so it can't come off the shaft when you are ramming the weights in. A steel shaft has room inside. A graphite shaft does not have enough room and won't work. An old cheap, beat up driver or fairway wood with a steel shaft works fine. As you get stronger increase the number of swings, then occasionally add a few weights. Drop back down in repetitions, work up to a decent number then add more weight and repeat. I swing mine 70 repetitions in the driveway in the evening. It takes about 5 minutes. I don't hit balls with it. It is so old that the head is made of wood. If I get careless and accidentally brush the ground who cares? It is old and beat up. It improves swing timing because you have to use your body to swing the club due to the weight – exactly what you are supposed to do to increase swing speed.
Seems Soo simple. Gonna try tomorrow on the range!!!
This is so true. I didn't play golf for almost 2 years due to injuries. My first round back I was very loose and relaxed, no expectations. I was driving the ball better than I ever had before. It lasted about 3 rounds and then my old fears and worries came back and I started tightening up and it killed my distance. I need to find that again.
As always Shot-on !! LESS IS MORE … always been my saying, but hard to do on the 1st Tee
Not one to comment on these videos , but on the last hole last night I got my Drive as I normally would , and then hit another ball doing as Danny described and my original ball was 262 yds & the second ball was 315 yds ….. was a happy chappy
I have been watching these because I am trying out for my high school golf team. Right after I watched this, I went straight to the range and tried it! It worked tremendously! Thank you! I am more confident than ever!
Question Danny ,
I'm 100% right handed but play golf left handed .
Am I at a disadvantage? I feel maybe my downswing is missing out on whipping the club through the ball on my drive . I would really appreciate your help on this matter.
The one for me was an older video showing the takeaway brill.
What a great video
Good video but is a bit repetitive and drawn out. I feel like this could have been shortened to 5m or less.
I tried this today after watching your video. It works. I am going to incorporate this into my warm up and training. Thank you very much. In just over an hour I added 20-30 yards to my carry. At 56 years old that is HUGE! Thanks for the training
So so much….
Which simulator do you have?