Parents often want to know how to help their junior golfer. We can help, with a unmatched school in terms of College golfers and State champions, we know junior golf development!
Here are my personal 3 Fundamentals for all junior golfers;
1. Power
2. Balance
3. Target – If you do not know where you are going, you never get there.
Parents, always encourage your kids to do these 3 things. Let us teach the Grip and swing mechanics, your relationship will be much stronger if you do!!
Twitter: JustinScottPGA
As a PGA Golf Instructor, It's a pleasure to create golf instruction video tips and drills. Thank you very much for taking the time to watch them. If they help, let me know!
I offer a variety of golf instruction in Greensboro, North Carolina; Private Instruction, Group Instruction, Half & Full Day Golf Schools, & Junior Academy Clinics. Lets accomplish your golf goals today!
Contact me at or 336-510-4653.
Best Regards,