LPGA No.1 "Nelly Korda" Perfect Winning Swing & Slow Motions

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Just Watching Beautiful Swing Can Help Your Golf Skill~!


Bradley B says:

Perfect swing. Stares at the ball



Paul Hetherington says:

Sexy legs — KORDA > KORG – Native AMAE.

Paul Hetherington says:

/Vdx signa stckr f''[(2xeRr'' D'=||A''z v++- k'.in *^My fraems)] //< int=signa x HUD/s txt field ancient skael 20deg fnt 120pts //fr aerospace spidy air foilz webs Batman audx WVkxm'' int=6x telskopicx cg xiionicz //[({Df''=|| zA' pitot tubes geoz pnts 90 65 120deg cg= vk controls /

Nathan Owen says:

I been praying for you Nelly

Brian Carey says:

And she has a GREAT caddie too!

JD Lackey says:

Lioness growling- perfect

Paul Hetherington says:

Pulsar train simulated – liift club. Hmm – I ttink, I created one.

Coogee53 says:

Love that swing.

Ian Davidson says:

nice swing, horrible music

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