Mike Trout with the greatest Top Golf moment ever!

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Digital Bobby says:

There are a few parks that "Mike Trout" couldn't hit it out of like…Yosemite.

Average sports says:

he hit a home run In golf

McLovin ?? says:

Happy Gilmore ??

knox kerb says:

Mike Trout is my favorite baseball player


Probably broke a window at the circa

eshaq afzali says:

Nice job wooo this is how I want to play golf

Jason N says:

NASA has confirmed earlier today that Trouts’s ball is still in orbit

Jake Rees says:

if someone said that went into orbit i wouldn’t doubt it

Vegatable says:

It keeps goin up after it crosses the net lol

James Horan says:

And those are range balls which are basically 80% of the power of a real golf ball.


Welcome to trout airlines

Nub says:

Imagine going to top golf and seeing Mike Trout

Joey Nice says:

Thor's hammer

Kaden Copling says:

I wanna see pujols or judge next

S B says:

who is mike trout

gamingwithkenny RBLX says:

Bro what if you took aaron judge to topgolf

y 0508 says:

There is not a white line to the first base?

Phantom Lord says:

literally disappeared into orbit

Epoxy says:

This is like the 80th video of some dude crushing a golf ball….?

JFax says:

Actual moonshot

t palmer says:

If you look closely… One of the lights goes out on the other side of the valley!

C3rtxfi3dGG0880 says:

I feel like no One tries to make it in the holes anymore it’s more of just a competition to see who can make it over the net the most ??

Lazy Lemur says:

560 dead center

Sam Plautz says:

I’ve seen this so many times and didn’t know that was mike trout

2ServeNProtect says:

Maybe this was the start to his back issues. Now look where he is at.Waist of money on him.

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