Moe Norman Single Plane Golf Swing – Training Aid Tuesday Short Game Alignment Trainer
Learn how to swing exactly like Moe Norman did. Receive Five FREE Golf Lessons Here:
Achieving the ideal ball position and alignment to the target is an important part of a great short game.
Use the Short Game Alignment Trainer (SGAT) to discover the following:
• Proper Ball and Foot Position for Lob Shots
• Proper Ball and Foot Position for Chip Shots
• Proper Ball and Foot Position for Pitch Shots
• Correct Club-face Alignment / Angle – (FAT Technology)
• Correct Feet Angle
• Hand Position Through Impact
• Correct Foot / Shoulder Angle Difference (10 Degrees)
The SGAT teaches the target line and shoulder line angle with the proper foot rotation and body position. By training with your Short Game Alignment Trainer, you’ll always have the proper hand position and club face alignment.
Universal Short Game Tool
The SGAT is labeled for the type of shot you are practicing: L for lob shot, P for pitch or C for a chip.
Lead Hand Position
The signature lead hand graphic indicates the position of the lead hand to move down the target line – a key component to the GGA Short Game instruction
Correct Foot Placement
Foot position / rotation indications that represent the proper foot placement and position of each foot when chipping, pitching and hitting lob shots.
FAT Technology
The SGAT features face alignment technology (FAT) perpendicular lines that help you visually establish a perpendicular (square) clubface to your intended target.
The SGAT teaches the proper alignment to the target, stance width and ball position for perfect short game!
The development of your new golf swing will be through the Graves Golf Academy Path to Success. This is a player development program to a better golf game by verbal, visual, and kinetic learning. At the end of the program you will not be searching but will have the answer to an easy and simple way to play better golf. The next step on the Path to Success is the Short Game Alignment Trainer. For information about the products contact Wes Wilkinson, GGA Training Aid Specialist at
The first step to a reliable short game is the set-up. If you cannot get set-up correctly it will be very hard to execute a good chip or pitch. Get set-up correctly every time. Take all the guess work out with the Short Game Alignment Trainer (SGAT)! Without an SGAT it will be harder to lower your golf scores!
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Here's the link for more info:
To order the Single Plane Solution DVD:
To order the Short Game Alignment Trainer used in this video:
Learn how to swing exactly like Moe Norman did. You can start with five FREE lessons by clicking the following link.
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Moe Norman Single Plane Golf Swing – Training Aid Tuesday Short Game Alignment Trainer