Paige Spiranac Takes Golf To The Streets | 2017


Justin 1 says:

Peculiar way to make a sandwich


lets see a video of her making a sandwich

Trump Phenom says:

The left thumb is not Ms. Sparanic

steve perry says:

besides being a gorgeous athletic women she has a great golf swing action. i wish i could swing like that.

ben anderson says:

Michelle Wie is for the incel white males. The alpha white males get Page Spiranac.

Donkeehote Go says:

I thought this was one of the try-on haul videos.

Joel Elliot says:

I have a long stroke also.

Samuel T says:

What golf ?
I'm sorry… I was distracted.
It's fairly obvious that Paige knows exactly how much talent she has, and how to use it.

Paul Rollins says:

She knows what she's doing and wore the clothes to show her gifts off. Period.

Lance Finger says:

She got a nice ass

Molon Labe says:

I want her to use my driver and i mean wear it out

Larry Johnston says:

Yeah, I have to apologize but you are absolutely stunning. Freakin sexy girl. Thank you. You are definitely a real life "Barbie Doll" playing golf. I dont believe the made one of those.

LettuceWin says:

Nice thumbnail

John Francis Kennedy says:

I think she has cornered the market in golf porn, in a good way, well done Paige xx

D. Boyd says:

I don't watch men's or women's golf so I didn't know who she was…but OMG. She is stunning and obviously smart enough to use all of her assets to stand out in a competitive field. Hope she starts to win though.

Thomàs Bradley says:


Philip Vaughn says:

WTF is she doing in Arizona. Come to Florida and find you a Blue Hair to exploit down here.

Markus Patients says:

I don't like her dip but I sure like them hips and the way she makes that turn and if I were gay I'd surely make that flip…?
She has a great form.

riccardo estavans says:

Best waggler in golf. Gotta love her waggle.

bruce ob says:

Joking apart., she seems to open her legs at the top of her backswing. Is this the 'magic move'. Thought I could hear lips smacking as well, but could have been my imagination.

Kain J says:

Hmmm i wonder what she's selling

Subtle B3ast says:

“Takes golf to the streets.” Clearly playing on a course. Oddly enough, I’m stroking my shaft while watching this.?

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