Pure Your Irons INSTANTLY With This Drill!

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@CaliforniaTravelVideos says:

Search for Me-and-My-Golf-Golf-Ball-Strike-Alignment-Towel-Black-Blue-Swing-Trainers-Analyzers
Your welcome!

@jordybeans2392 says:

So basically Stack N Tilt???

@jordybeans2392 says:


@JohnMorris-yl4hk says:

Women’s pants

@Thegrassman284 says:

Here’s another tip NEVER dress like that . Holy shit dude I think you need some hormone therapy, those pants ain’t helping . Legs are all wrist. There’s some fuel for you hate me to make you better

@stephenkaake7016 says:

I tell people to do that

@adamfriesen2858 says:

This should only be a drill. You eventually want to be able to load your weight in your back leg and transfer the weight into the front. You don’t want to have the reverse tilt look in your backswing.

@dwayne8736 says:

I thought the point was to miss the towel?

@nickcampbell8619 says:

So he said 'feels like,' which can work for some people. But if you literally did that you might get ball/turf contact but you'll hit the ball really short. You have to shift to the right in order to make a full shoulder turn, which he did beautifully (his head even moved 2-3in off the ball). Just stand and try to make a full shoulder turn without any shift. You'll notice that u can't. The key is, his left shoulder is closer to the target at impact than it was at address, but it happened dynamically. That's the key, and for some people, perhaps that should be the 'feel' as well.

@sivaprakash511 says:

60-40% he is taking about weight ?

@h0m1ess says:

for every shot other then woods and drivers you should have ATLEAST 60% weight on the front foot.

@2bsure407 says:

Does the missus know your wearing her pants lol

@Eqnotalent says:

so its stack and tilt…

@LandonSock says:

this will mess up weight distribution and for most cause reverse spine angles which leads to back issues

@balance3201 says:

What on earth are you wearing????

@chaddcl0ps406 says:

the important part though that no one tells with this tip is that your head needs to stay on top of or slightly behind the ball. a lot of people will put weight there and shift their head past the ball causing a steeper swing and the duffing continues!

@adatshhc says:

This debate has been settled. This is stack-and-tilt nonsense. Just ask Charlie Wi.

@dfloriza says:

I started trying this on the range by accident the other day, and realized I was compressing the ball a lot better. It's just a matter of not trying to shift laterally too far forward and catching the ball too early

@kelvinfannon8416 says:

And all this with the wife’s trousers on

@gerardkane9117 says:

Stack and tilt

@JaySmith-pv2mw says:

Probably the biggest issue I see with amateurs is a reverse weight shift. But….mmmkay.

@Griffen329 says:

I don't even duff my irons but I just tried this and absolutely pured it.

@graemecfc says:

I’m litterally just off the course and my irons around 50 yards were a joke. Everything sooo fat or a duff

@tylermarin4987 says:

60% of the time it works every time.

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