Ben Hogan Golf Swing

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@stanley4200 says:

If i could hit like Mr. Hogan i would not need you golf videos??????? ????????????

@JOHNizSiK says:

God. Not getting the full swing was like a ruined orgasm.

@julesv2914 says:

First move is his head moving away from target. Sets everything in motion. So much for keeping your head still…

@jamesfitzgerald6636 says:

Hogans clubs were 2deg open and 2 deg flat. Could fully release without going left

@MrShayna316 says:

Grip is essential Hogan's grip is what made him the best ball striker ever it is golf's best kept secret. Hand's working together.

@justinpeterson2105 says:

"Those lines I saw drawn on a YT video made me a better golfer" said no one ever.

@dgrays2800 says:

best swing ever, that snap

@Jsizzle6809 says:

This swing looks much different than his later swings. I prefer the later shorter more compact swing

@MichaelP11 says:

Never got to see the swing bruh????????. ????‍♂️

@1snaj says:

Nothing like ruining the video by writing all over it now over it

@mrsmartypants_1 says:

Jesus god. Finish the swing.

@creamabdul-jabbar6722 says:

If you think more about the body instead of the ball it makes everything easier

@OfCourseICan says:

This is what I been looking for. Thanks for the upload.
Grateful Aussie.

@gzman1 says:

NO ONE ever talks about the fact he is way over parallel , aka john daly, that club almost hits im in the left hip!, gott have soft wrist for that.

@generalgrant3189 says:

You just described what is in John Jacobs " Practical Golf " / David Lee " Gravity Golf " / George Knudsen " The Swing Motion " – said in the books in slightly different ways. In my Opinion
David Lee said it best.

@stdavis22 says:

just swing he fucking club, dont go past 65% effort

@mehasami2348 says:

Shift. realy??? What shif or oly shift and shift back…? Bud if you trye it, try it better????

@steveberelo245 says:

I see and hear alot of ignorant comments, fundamentals,that's what Ben Hogan did,execute fundamentals,load,sit, release.
You don't have to see the shot,Ben Hogan hit fairways and greens,at a rate never seen before or after.
The reason Hogan won majors at the % he did be was because the more pressure you put on a good swing,the better it gets.
Hogan played the last four years with no major veins in his legs,it took two hours to wrap his legs,he won 6 Majors during that stretch.
Please don't mention Rory in the same sentence as Hogan, you'll remove all doubt

@chippyboy35 says:

Nlah blah blah.

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