Rory Mcilroy Hips Drill | Speed Speed Speed

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Looking to quickly improve your golf swing consistency? Join the thousands of golf enthusiasts who have benefited in as little as 1 day and are now hitting the purest shots of their life.

Rory Mcilroy's hips REVERSE direction at impact. It's crazy to see how much torque he creates with his lower body during the golf swing.

In this video, Performance Swing shows you a simple drill to help you overcome maintain your spine angle problems and how to get a burst in clubhead speed.


David Fitzgerald says:

Would the first hip move in the backswing be a pulling back of the right side? And then just try to hold that back through the downswing?

Cadmodel64 says:

Crap for the average golfer…

Garth Downton says:

Really! What is the percentage of people who can possibly develop this move! Hell Rory can't perform it half time! Rory has done nothing in his life but train his body day in day out to do this! You don't need all this "high risk" action to create huge power with repeatability! I am 62, my hips hardly move and I hit the ball competitive distances! All this unnecessary twisting and turning! I just hit balls two days in row, 4-5hrs, flushing them. Rory will have no back at 45! Lots of money but no back!

andy evans says:

Im working on rotation at the moment. The last thing i want to feel is my right side being glued… id flip my hands all day

Skyhigh Photography says:

This is a not the best way to strike the ball. Have a look at Justin Thomas and Dustin Johnson, they rotate their hips out of the way as soon as possible to allow the club to come down and through with power.

Mac Kelly says:

Must be why Rory hasnt won a tournamnet in how long?? Rory is a has been.

Glenn Wisse says:

Sorry but this make no sense to me. If you try to keep your right side back against the wall you’re not turning at all. You turn quite well. Your right side turned really nice. Weight shifted great. Sooooo what gives?

Wgb8210 says:

This was a damn good video.

Rodney Lane says:

Solid video. Thanks for explaining it. I assume the heel that should be pushing the hips back is the front heel. I tend to have my weight in the mid-outside in the lead foot.

I swing 115 mph and clearing the hips is the next big hurdle for my game. Getting rid of the push draw that I normally hit would help a lot

Ian Tipton says:

I started using this technique some months ago and I am now striking the ball as well as I have in 25 years . This video explains a difficult technique very clearly

Jon Baroni says:

Your tush came off the line too early

Mark Randall says:

Rory's hips move back through the strike because he creates so much torque by rotating them as fast as he can to begin the downswing (around 720 degrees per second; tour average is 550-600 degrees per second), which over stretches his obliques so much that they snap back, like an elastic band, actually stopping and pulling his hips backwards for a brief moment.

Amateurs don't start the downswing with the hips, and even when they do, they don't turn them fast enough – the amateur average is around 300-350 degrees per second. Want to generate more speed and distance, start the downswing by turning those hips first and as fast and as hard as you can (Michelle Wie says you can never turn your hips through the shot fast enough) and let the torque pull your shoulders and arms through the ball. Bet you'll notice a huge difference in both ball striking and distance.

Oscar C says:

He squats and springs. Both his hip speed and braking are functions of it.

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