Hip Speed and Swing Speed

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Does hip speed contribute to swing speed? An excerpt from my instructional video, DRIVE 4 DOUGH, which is on sale for $39 (normally $49) through 12/25/16.



Brilliant explained

Jimmy Peach says:

BUT….. the knee shot had hip and core firing at full speed just a little more restricted then standing but they were not removed from the equation lol… watch it again. Hips/core provide the foundation…. If you removed them you'd have very little…. Imagine hangin from your arm pits and try swinging with no hips involved and only arms….

Ray J. says:

Just nonsense. Degrees per second (dps) is not a measure of speed, its a measure of rotation. On your knees your hips will naturally rotate less degrees than on your feet. Just look at how less your shoulders rotated too!

Ben Jonson says:

How do you increase arm speed?

american in Singapore says:

Then can give a quick drill to increase arm speed?

animaljammer says:

I have not played golf in years.because of a car accident. I played 5 years over the top swing, and when I thought I fixed it I ended up going from big slice to big hook. I come across Darryl Klassen video and did what he suggests. and started firing my hands like using a hammer, and allowing my hips to close the club head. I virtually started hitting longer and got the nice little fade I wanted. So seeing this video just today reminded me the same things he was saying. Speed is made with the hands and direction is made with the body rotation,.

Todski99 says:

your thought about LPGA players hip speed being faster than mens. Blew my mind. i started swinging my arms more shot 75 76 getting better thanks MONTE

FairwayJack says:

"hip speed is more about lining up where you're directing the clubhead speed" ….1:54 ….Monte, that was brilliant !!

Joe R says:

All due respect Monte – this video can cause people to focus on "throwing one's arms" at the ball and losing connection with the body. I'm sure you've talked about this in your other video's so just a caution to those who may take this without considering all the other variables in the golf swing.

Michael Rood says:

Very interesting about "slow hips" causing the ball to start right. Never would have thought of that but makes sense.

Slicing It says:

Monty would this statement be true in your opinion…"it's not about how fast your hips go but more about how fast your hips slow down or stop, thus allowing that power to be transferred to your arms than the club head." I feel like it's how effectively I post/get stable on the front leg allows me swing my arms faster. I also feel like I cast/release the club at the top and this guy bed me 10-15mph more at the bottom….insane.

MrJoshthenosh says:

Great information monte i always wondered about this thank you


Awesome video, everyone should get D4D!

toddms41 says:

You want all the arm speed at the bottom right??

John T says:

Great demonstration. But as far as sequencing the swing, do you believe the hips start first on the downswing and then the arms follow? Or are you saying the arms start at the exact same time as the hips on the downswing?

Fernando Soto says:

Gonna get this for sure

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