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This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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Arvind Das says:

Something sensible after a long time

Zero2Hero Golf says:

7:10 – Just re-watching this excellent sequence and the release through impact. Promptly went to my hitting area at home and practice this over and over!

Edward Lowe says:

Hi Russell, thank you for this video. After watching I had a breakthrough moment on the driving range. The 2 things that finally clicked for me were the hands and wrists, and the shaft pointing twoard the ball on the downswing. I hit 80% of my shots straight with good contact.

Todd Little says:

Nicely broken down into components and commonalities given we all swing somewhat differently ?

tony henderson says:

Great fundamental check points to work on.
Well explained as always Russell.

mike summers says:

Golf in slow motion,none of it was in slow motion Russ but like your channel mate,

Jo Jo Kit says:

Hi Russell Great videos. As per your more recent videos lave been working on my hip rotation. I used to be a slider but am now trying to initiate the transition by working the left hip. I have a question about weight transition from right to left. Is this achieved by pressing down on the left side and then rolling the ankle alone, or is there an element of pushing with the right foot. If you use the right foot is the pressure on the heel or balls as you push. Also what is the sequence of pressure, left then right or both together?

Neil Marshall says:

God, I wish I had a swing like that.. ?

Zero2Hero Golf says:

My videos show me sliding and pulling the arms down with the hips stalling at impact. Starting the transition by rotating first is what I'm working now. This tends to throw the arms out, but I think this is easier to solve than the other way around.

Olle Eriksson says:

I just love the way you start your videos.. what is that thing you say in that 1/10th of a second of every video? "Hi how are we doing welcome to.. " ? 😉

Love your videos by the way!!

Kevin Gesme says:

Russ, excellent comprehensive analysis. Well done….

Scottie boy says:

You are "genius " of a man have watched probably every video content that you have done and have probably convinced myself that I have been taking the content and understanding it but the end result is still 28 handicap my actual golf is largely better but lack of consistency means my handicap remains 28 but this video has hit home and I think this will be a massive game changer for me holding the grip the way you have demonstrated and the initial takeaway has hit a nerve with me and really feel this can help me no end cheers Russell ?????️?️

Gary Satterfield says:

Russell Russell Russell….. I really think there's a future for you in this golf lesson thing….. Keep em coming.

Chessxgolf says:

Thank you so much for sharing all this for us. Best regards from Switzerland.

Dante Speak says:

Loving the multi camera setup and editing. Great content as always.

Bubbles says:

Great check points. Thanks again

Kevin Campbell says:

At 7:14 your weight is on the heal of your lead leg. This is rarely mentioned but key in my opinion

Shermanator Osborn says:

Great breakdown Thanks for the help

Gary Smith says:

Liking your stuff more all the time

code says:

Thanks for this recap Russell. I've been following your videos since you put out the '5 essentials' series, and I have seen a big improvement in my consistency, in large part thanks to your explanations.

A Usual Suspect says:

8:48 hit the nail on the head ??

MJB says:

Good video…provides a useful checklist. Question regarding step between impact and finish….seems like old school swings have active releases where when parallel to ground the club is visible from behind and the clubface is closed to the swing arc, and new school swings have passive releases where when parallel to ground the club is not visible from behind and the clubface is square to the swing arc. You appear to use the passive release approach and its what I'm trying to eliminate the need for precise timing. Is it a choice or is it all automatic at that point?

Amod Khare says:

Your videos and instructions are always amazingly easy to relate to. Thank you for the efforts and thinking about us struggling golfers

stephprime says:

YES !! Finally!! Thats what I've been waiting for! 🙂 I suggested you to make this video a month or two months ago! nice work!! And I apreciate your work you put into your videos and that you read neraly every comment your followers make! Thanks from Germany!

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