Check out some of Tiger Woods’ best shots, from long drives to clutch hole outs and putts to win tournaments between 2010-2019 – excluding majors.
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Not just golf sporting GOAT of all time 2005 hole 16 best thing I've ever witnessed
y a la gente le gusta esa mierda ?
This is the reason I believe he is the greatest player ever: Imagine every other player at their best. Compare Tiger at his best. He's untouchable.
So nice Tiger sir
Why exclude the majors???
Tu veux rattrapper tiger en quoi en chiffres en record ou tu veux rattrapper son couple et sa fille quel humain tu es?
Hope Tiger gets better soon
Really unrealistic ? skill the man have now this is called a 'legend'
I was probably 20 feet behind Tiger at the 2015 Quicken Loans played at RTJ golf club in Gainesville VA and the shot was about 235 yards all up hill from a side hill lie,unfreaking believable!
He is a cheater hmm
It’s so weird how men want to touch on him and grope him as he walks by. He is a regular human just like you. And I’m sure you wouldn’t want other men touching on you as you walk by.
The spotty zebra neuropathologically scare because salmon thermodynamically remember behind a juicy doll. dazzling, childlike mist
0:20 It literally sounds like a football stadium
"Just Like Tiger woods"
I have seen tiger in the woods hunting for eagles..
who is watching this after aditi ashok game?
Thaiger the king of the woods!
Tiger woods is the number one golfer in the world.
A really tiger on the golf
For those who wonder if he’s the goat or not. Check his made-cut and top 10’s stats per starts. It’s stupidly insane with the talents on tour and the dominant he was. Hope he got a speedy recovery.
Jornada. Ale.
Carregador costas . X carrinho. Rodas. Gol.
Bola. 66. 88.
11.ração. mestres.
Partida golfi. Lava ambulancia 192.
RESPECT from Spain to this LEGEND.
Hold on TIGER!!!! ANABEL…?