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In this short video PGA Professional Chris Ryan gives you 3 key points to focus on to ensure you hole more short putts next time you play.

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Golf lessons avilable with Chris at The Belfry Hotel and Resort, contact Chris for further information.



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Thørr Bjornssen says:

I'd be shooting par if I didn't miss all those short putts. I shot 39 with 18 putts. Missed two par putts within 4 feet. Missed 3 birdie putts all within 10-8 feet.

Bert Lindner says:

Hahaha good video, but…. at 4.30 he missed his putt. Look at the ball position of the 3 balls. Nevertheless great video.

Anthony Coleman says:

Chris why don't you write a book on putting with all the tips on your videos. They are obvious when you think about it, but sometimes you need to be told. I have for 40 years worked on my line and then speed to match it. Will try your suggestion.

stuart andrews says:

hello, just wondered how to go about choosing speed, ive always judged distance but im inconsistent with it, one short one too far .

Murray FitzDavie says:

I've really enjoyed and benefited from the three-keys series. Excellent short notes to use as a reminder pre-game. Well done (Murray 10H'cap)

Kevin H. says:

Thanks for the video chris! However, the biggest problems i face is not that I am not putting straight, but actually reading the break correctly. I feel that reading the green on short puts is much more difficult and I am never sure, whether there is actually a slight break or not. Any ideas on that?

e johnny says:

Major issue I'm facing is feeling I don't know from one putt to the next how the ball will come off the club face – sometimes left or right – playing off 9 and constantly 3 putting inside 10 feet.

Roy Gilley says:

Off topic, but, what percentage distance could one expect to see between an average range ball (worn from hundreds of hits) and a new brand-name ball hit with a driver?

Bogey Golfer says:

great video, i noticed you forward press before the putting stroke, whats your thinking behind this, is it to get the hands moving?

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