Chris Ryan shows you what can be done at set up and during the swing to ensure you perform better on the golf course with your long irons.
These clubs are notoriously hard to use, but with a few good concepts you can ensure that you rip your long irons on your way to lower scores.
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I discovered the secret to hitting a "pure" long iron – hit the ball off a tee.
Unless you have a lot of clubhead speed, you can forget about hitting a long iron off the deck with any sort of satisfaction. Use a high-lofted fairway wood instead.
So 2 mins in and you reproduced my two long iron misses perfectly! ….????????????????????????glad im not the only one..back to the video as i have hope as he knows my pain after those two shots…he just may be the 1 with answers ????✌️????????
"raise my lead hip a fraction higher" Yikes, can we dispense with the golf jargon?
cant imagine spilling coffee on myself in an outfit like that haha
I've been really struggling with my 1 iron. I only hit it pure 7 out of 10 times and it's not good enough
wow can this guy talk
A superb video Chris, I don't know why I haven't seen this before, but it's brilliant, information packed and I don't doubt that it has and will help so many people to better their long iron striking.
Chris, I seem to hit fat shots on the inside with longer irons. Any pointers on that?
Are you keeping your weight on lead side throughout the swing? You mentioned being 55/45 on lead leg at address.
Lots of talking…. ya hit 1 shot. Dude… come on
Tried this indoors and just smashed my living room window
When I did do my good long iron shots was when kinda treated it like a driver a little hip forward thing going on. But mostly hit like crap with 3 or 4 iron compared to my trustee 5 that can belt way further than 3,4 bout 150 to 180m. Good tips there ????
Thanks for this video, with my 3i slice is my problem ,do you have helper video for that? Thanks a head of time.
Can’t use the 4 iron for some reason the 5 iron I smash so far
At my beginning of playing golf 2 friends gave me one club for practising : a 7i and a 1i.
Meanwhile I can easily reproduce your first 2 shots in the video 🙂
Edit : Great content, thanks!
One question : Don't you take divots at all with the longer clubs?
In my mind, this is the most difficult shot in golf.
Only thing I learned is swing harder
I’m hitting several inches behind my 5 iron
4 is my longest iron I use.
great vid i find at the start of a round my 3 iron is good but by the end of the round a tired swing gets found out
Is this advice the same for a female golfer? Or is weight distribution in the hips different?
Terrific advice thanks Chris, has definitely helped me with my 2 iron. One question, when you're using a 2 iron off the tee, do you use exactly the same principles, or slightly change your weight distribution?
After trawling youtube for weeks this is the most succinct explanation on how to hit a long iron well. Thanks!!!
Should you deloft long irons?
the best instructors on youtube can execute errant shots in a demonstration. very impressive- i top my long iron just like you showed. Thanks for the excellent explanations
4 iron best club in the bag, change my mind
Because of these golf swing strategies, I was able to know “hows” and “whys” of a fine golf swing and its various aspects. My irons increased 15 yards and my driver increased 25 after I completed reading through the guide for the second time. Due to these developments, I am more confident and I`m having more enjoyment with golfing. You can find this guidebook by Google. It calls Logan Ballοyshot
What head speed is "a lack of speed" for long irons?
Is distance from golf ball different from short irons and long irons? Do I stand back further than normal using my 4 iron?
Sooo…what I really lack is Speed in the club. So here is my question – from where comes the main force? And I also wonder how much force comes from the trail arm. I always been of the impression that the trail arm should be more passive than the lead arm. You seem to get the main force from the trail arm. Yes, I understand that the body generates the power but how much is canalised through the trail arm? Thnx for great vids !