Course Vlog 2017 – Professional Golfer vs Junior Golfer at Laguna Golf Phuket

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I am a Professional Golfer on Thailand PGA. in this video is going to be me playing against Sebastian (13 Year-Old Junior Golfer), We are good friends and we understand when we say stuff like “you're not going to make this putt” we say that just to make the game more fun and a little bit more exciting. in fact, we like it because it makes us focus even more on the shot.

Thank you so much for watching we hope you enjoy


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Dalton Christian says:

Poor sportsmanship on the adults part.

Zach K says:

Is this dudes name really “golf”…

Hack to Scratch golf says:

This kid is great d1 bound

pickle rick says:

What's with the bee keeper caddies

edy tjhing says:

Nice played….

Alps P says:

Caddies weren't much help ?

Pablo BOURBON says:


Nicholas Rowe says:

coconut tree shot was nice

Pablo BOURBON says:

follow me in insta

Pablo BOURBON says:

u are probabley better than me 🙂

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