Extreme Trick Shots | Dude Perfect

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Things just got EXTREME.
See the Boy Scouts new SUMMIT for yourself! http://bit.ly/SummitHighAdventureBase
► PLAY our iPHONE GAME – http://smarturl.it/DPGameiPhone
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Watch our most recent vid – Fantasy Football Stereotypes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_NmwtttzA8&list=PLCsuqbR8ZoiChpZ0rMzLf8aDaJG7ou75n

Music: “Torch” by Everfound
Snag your own copy of this awesome song here:
iTunes Link: http://bit.ly/TorchEverfound

We had an absolute blast making this video! Built on 10,000 acres in beautiful mountainous West Virginia, the Summit might literally be the coolest place ever. Click here for a special behind the scenes look at how this video shoot went down!! http://bit.ly/SummitBTSvideo

Below, we'd like to give a special thanks to everyone over at the Summit that helped us make this Extreme Trick Shots video possible:

Weld (Production Company): Logan Bockrath & Jonathan Danz
Program Administration: David Kopsa & Simon Grout.
Chris Smith (shooting sports), Shane Wheeler (safety), Chandler Swope (pilot).
Arial Sports guides: Jenna Fredell, Kevin Blackwood, Austin Blank, Kelly Davis, Kristina Shivel, Jeff Morris, Jerry Clark, Terry Mohn, Chris Cobitz.

NEW “GO BIG” TShirts!

Do you have a GO BIG mindset?
Find out in our newly published book, “Go Big.”

Some of our biggest videos ever are coming out soon so stay tuned so you don't miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/DudePerfect

In between videos we hang out with you guys on Instagram, Facebook, Vine, and Twitter so pick your favorite one and hang with us there too!


A special thanks to those of you who play our iPhone Game and read our book. You guys are amazing and all the great things you tell us about the game and the book make those projects so worthwhile for us!

Dude Perfect GAME – http://smarturl.it/DPGameiPhone
Dude Perfect BOOK – “Go Big” – http://amzn.to/OYdZ2s

Click here if you want to learn more about Dude Perfect:

As always…Go Big and God Bless!
– Your friends at Dude Perfect

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  • Categories: Golf Vid


josh caskey says:

dude, you guys should come to Calgary,Alberta,Canada. we have the best
mountains ever for trick shoting. but come in the summer, in the winter its
too cold but its super pretty in the winter, your choice. :)

Dude Perfect says:

Things are getting EXTREME!!
NEW Video is officially LIVE! Enjoy Extreme Trick Shots!


You dudes should do a paint ball competition with only Trick shots

pontiacGXPfan says:

these guys have way too much time on their hands. But then again, I’m
watching them on YouTube so what does that say about me?

Paul Kindall says:

i think you should do a video with each of your favorite sport that you
guys did and make it one viedo

Goober13md says:

I love the shot at 3:02 because after he makes it the ball hits the stand
of the hoop and bounces back through.

FoolsGold says:

My you guys are AWESOME! I could do without the Michigan hat haha (Ohio
State fan)

UltimateMonkey Gamez says:

Jesus christ how are you guys good in EVERYTHING

The Reptilian Wizard Lizard says:

Good video. Bad music. 

Ricky Russo says:

you should film in new zealand

Jonathan Knecht says:

Damn Boy Scouts, getting all the good shit

Ben Nottingham says:

New westminster Canada bc

Tim Kovacic says:

you guys have to film on mt.everest ;)

desenutz2012 says:

yeah how many times does it take to make a shot?

Syed Hussain says:

hes hacking -_- seiously 

muthuraj rocky says:

rock all the way

Bailey Hamm says:

Do one on thr empire state building


random comment u should do stereotypes on call off duty no2. Also on gun
shooters and soccer

The Beast of Gaming says:

a lacrosse stadiam

Colin Williams says:

Please film in Ontario! It would mean a lot to me and it would be

Tyler O says:

Go to SkyZone Trampoline park I think in Ottawa 

rennagaderunner says:

Was that Danny MacAskil on the bike? 

Sorcist says:

You guys are no good faggots that have tiny penises my little brothers is
probably bigger than yours and hes 2! So go suck a big black bulgen penis.

Ruth Ann Pritchett says:

You should film at gun stock creeck in elijay

Nico Septian says:

Whos that panda exactly?

Zak Rozier says:

hey come to my house and play madden!!!!

Austin Perkins says:

I think u guys should film at spreckels bmx park in manteca califorina and
do trick shot on a bike

Егор Тимофеев says:

Panda is girl?

Logan Perry says:

You guys should kick a basketball into the hoop from the opposite side of
the court

Coolboy1224 says:

Do another trick shot battle with brodie smith

H Woodside says:

How do you train to do those awesome trick shots⚽️⚾️

Dakota swamp says:

You guys shoot a vid on top of the Paris thingy 

dylan o connor says:

Hey could us guys do a javelin video

Veronica Benavidez says:

I love Dude Perfect

Kelly Corlett says:

So cool mother f⭐️⭐️⭐️er arsenal

Clay Gargiulo says:

Morro Bay Ca 700 foot rock and three 450 foot tall stalks of a abandoned

Snipeshothero says:

this is just too imposable the stuff they pull cant even be faked. Its just
that good

Karen Shepanski says:

i could make a of thoes shots

Jasmin Aberle says:

You should come to the Bahamas in Nassau they have a big water park called

Evan Guth says:

do a lacrosse trick shot 

April Pappas says:

Can you guys do soccer plz

Aiden Wasson says:

At 4:31 try only missed that 4 times

Natalie Jordan says:

Amazing how do you guys do that 

Rebecca Assman says:

go all out an go to a super bull game at night and do trickes

Ttek Brad says:

3:02 … that shot didn’t make it :D

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