GOLF: Elbows Closer + Squeeze The Arms | MORE CONSISTENCY

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@josephalanricci7302 says:

the squeezing is due to rotation of arms (rt-external,left external) to bring elbows together NOT just pulling arms together. ( ie shoulders fixed width, hands together, only arm rotation affects elbow. width?)

@SCHMGH1 says:

This made a world of a difference in my distance and accuracy

@RoyMPerez-fn8mu says:

Thank you for making my golf game fun!

@LeeCopus says:

Watched 100s of golf instructions but this is 1st one I've seen about squeezed elbows. Very good instructions.

@bob.macdonald745 says:

This is what I need to do

@WineHo888 says:

This is all shown with an Iron in hand. Is this swing concept the same idea for a Driver or wood?

@brians145 says:

Great video. However, is it just me, or has Steve got an over strong right hand grip. Being a top coach, I would have thought he would be more nuetral and was wondering why he prefers it..

@charlesmclaughlin4444 says:

Same for driver and fairway woods or just for irons?

@Jimbo-zd8cz says:

Paid a lot for a tour coach lesson and this exact lesson was pretty much the instruction. Some great free content here

@will8804 says:

Hi Eric. I’m convinced this is a game changer. How important do you think elbows together and right wrist back are in the golf swing? Cheers.

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