Golf Swing Basics

The golf swing is such a complicated movement it can be hard to know where to start when learning or even trying to improve your golf swing.

I met up with PGA Golf Professional Jack Backhouse to find out how he teaches beginners to swing a golf club and how we can all work on some simple golf swing basics.

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10 thoughts on “Golf Swing Basics

  1. I'm a 71 year old golfer with a 7 handicap (probably because I live in Florida and can play year round) and I thought this video was the most helpful I've watched in 6 months. It always helps to review the basics. That "hands high behind the shoulder thing" enabled me to hit one 280 yesterday proving once again that it's not strength, it's technique. (OK, I had a little tailwind, but I usually don't mention that.)

  2. And never leave a ham n egg in your back pocket particularly if it more than three weeks old,the egg goes off and leaves a bang that attracts hounds wot love a good feed!!!!and yes in your back swing things get messy !

  3. I’m so sick of spammers copying creator’s pics, and trying to scam people out of stuff. This entire comment thread is full of reported replies. Despicable. That aside, always love your content. 20 years of playing later, I still struggle at times. It’s without a doubt the hardest sport on earth, but also the most enjoyable.

  4. This is such a timely video as I have just taken my 9 year old grandson to the driving range for the first time. He had a great time and wants to go again. I will show him this video so that he can get the concept of the golf swing. Thank you so much.

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