Golf Tip: Golf’s Most Important Lesson

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Close In this golf lesson. Golf Magazine Top 100 Instructor, Charlie King cover the most important skill in golf. It is a critical step towards developing a consistent golf swing and producing consistent results. This drill can really change your golf swing for the better.
Check out to learn more from Charlie.

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Valley International Country Club says:

Golf Tip of the Day!

Valley International Country Club says:

Golf Tip of the Day!

Greg Thorner says:

Wow is this good! It is beyond me how anyone can not just love this

Fraser Paterson says:

I like the ‘train track’ idea Charlie, to get you hitting down on the ball
slightly. This is something I need to do, as most of my longer irons just
keep on running once they hit the ground, which means I have to plan for
that inmy approach shots. This makes the game evben harder on certain holes!

kevin brown says:

Exactly, a solid stroke impacting the ball squarely is the most important
thing, and unfortunately the most difficult.

Symmes1 says:

I have played golf for many years and have the frustration over and over
again of not hitting the ball flush. It is very frustrating. I will try
these drills. Another problem I have or at least I think I have is I am
left handed but play golf right handed. I used to bat right handed when
playing base ball so I just started golf right handed. I feel comfortable
right handed but not consistent with striking the ball. My distance is weak

Steve Mummert says:

Great Video! If you want to hit your drives even longer, Google Worlds
Hottest Drivers.

theazn07 says:

@starshipsteve there’s nothin confusing about hitting a ball wit a pole lol

Randy Parrish says:

Usually when someone flips their hands at the ball it comes from something
else in their swing. Usually it is from coming over the top. If you come
over the top you have no choice but to flip your hands at the
ball….otherwise you would never hit. This is where hand eye coordination
can hurt you. If you start with a bad back swing or bad down swing your
eyes lets your brains know where the ball is and your hands/body is going
to do whatever it takes to hit the ball.

joe will says:

U need to read a few books… Open UR mind..

goldmine332 says:

heey all i have recently purchased a 6 part golf dvd SET which teaches you
every single technics you will need to know to play golf like a pro! and
actually it is tought by a PAGA professional and he covers every single
technick and mutch more that you will need to know, i learned to play like
a pro in less than 2 months lol its a great instructional dvd, but you do
need to spend time on practice and what it teaches you in each dvd…if you
are interested send me a quick message for wer to go

Phil Hurrle says:

Charlie, there’s much more to fixing the flip than aiming at a point on the
ground. After all, you’re supposed to swing through the ball, not at it.
Your drill discourages this.

Jesus Macachor says:

Most teachings in golf is like teaching monkeys instead of teaching the
students the scientific reason.Even the best golfers learn like idiot
savants that’s why they change golf coaches.

Sean Mysel says:

I teach and the most important part of the golf swing is honestly your
attitude towards making shots. Most people get into the mindset that they
have to swing the club one way all the time, swing every club the same.
Problem is most people never swing a golf club to make plays. Having the
balls to try and bend a shot around a corner or go for those extra yards.
Most instruction tries to turn you into a machine instead of being a human
being and taking risks.

Mark Crossfield says:

well now ive watched this video i wont make that mistake again at my lesson
at exeter golf driving range

Jesus Macachor says:

Scooping is very common because many beginners don’t understand the
mechanics. They want to help the ball go up instead of just pinching the
ball to the ground and let the loft of the club with the groove create the
underspin for the Bernoulli principle to work.

Warwolfii says:

Don’t get me wrong, this is a good video, a good tip and a good instructor.
It’s just that I had to laugh because this is about the 875th video I’ve
seen that supposedly points out the most important thing to know about
golf…and no two are the same! Will someone please step forward and tell
us what is REALLY the most important thing about the golf swing? Maybe it’s
getting the check to your club pro in time for the next lesson.

starshipsteve says:

G.O.L.F. (Gentelman Only Ladies Forbiden) is awesome but far to confusing!

lutzchoco1 says:

we all know that……. in fact lifting the ball instead of compressing is
a malfunction from the very start of downswind… and teachers will NEVER
tell you on how to but rather don’t do this , don’t do that bla bla bla

charliekinggolf says:

@ShakaSamurai welcome.. if you want to know more check out in my site. You
will get free videos there! 🙂

David Breslow says:

many golf frustrations end here! find more at mentalgolfcoahingdotcom

Andrew Bowen says:

yes in our club championship I lost with a nett 65, as someone shot a nett

Jason Hops says:

What you really mean is that I need to recite more lines from Mommy
Professor. Memorizing and reciting PC Dogma is the exact opposite of using
one’s mind.

Jason Hops says:

Diversity is a code word for less White People. Nobody says an Asian
country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity. Nobody says an African
country that is 100% Black needs more diversity. Anti-Whites claim
“anti-racism” and demand diversity for White countries and ONLY White
countries. They say it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but
White countries for EVERYBODY??

ShakaSamurai says:

@jcking33 awsome, ive only just staeted playing golf, and i had a game
today on a short hole course, i found that when i did focus on impacting
the ball and allowing the club to do the work i had a much better shot, but
other times i wasnt so lucky, but im working on it cause i enjoy the game
more, thanks for the tip and i will check out your site thanks!

theazn07 says:

@megadre091 i can hit 300 yd. consistantly. thanks for being so ignorant

SimonWelch says:

i can only see your eyebrows

ShakaSamurai says:

good tutorial, thanks

Jesus Macachor says:

I have yet to know of any professional who knows the mechanics of the
Vardon grip.

james nesbit says:


royaloil says:

no the most frustrating thing about golf is being good and not winning

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