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So many golfers want to learn how to create more lag in their swing. They also want more clubhead speed so they get more distance. This tip explains how the two go hand in hand through a comparison between a pro vs amateur swing while hitting driver.

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So many golfers want to learn how to create more lag in their swing. They also want more clubhead speed so they get more distance. This tip explains how the two go hand in hand through a comparison between a pro vs amateur swing while hitting driver.

As I compare our driver swings side by side, you can clearly see my lag angle and how it gives my way more clubhead speed as I release the club. This is because I have more time to generate lag.

Most people don't realize that you have very little time from the top of the backswing to the ball. If you haven't set your club, you won't even have a chance to develop lag in your swing.

So understand why you need lag first by watching this tip. Then into the future, make it your mission to get this angle in not only your driver swing but irons too. Once you get it, you will start to be in positions found in better players which will all you to hit the ball longer than ever as well as compress your irons.

In the near future I will post more and more lag drills so keep your eye out for them.

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Paul Nosworthy says:

Hi Paul… I have started to realise how important the legs are to the golf swing. Everything you want us to do and practice comes with the legs fully employed. At 65yrs this is a huge ask basically re scripting my lower body. If I asked you to print your name with your wrong hand you would struggle and persistence (in this specific case) is not the answer. The answer lies in that your hand writes in-to-out from the centre of the body: so the practice is to write backwards and you will have it cracked in a week. The legs of the golf the swing does not require such different thinking but is a huge cognitive challenge let along of the muscles being asked to work differently. My game is improving all the time so persistence is a given… have you any independent exercises to recommend.

Glenn McAnally says:

I would kill to have Mr, Wilson's swing!

Acid Wizard says:

Really dumb question here, but what is lag exactly? I'm a new golfer and am still learning the terms. From this video I take it to mean the angle of the club compared to the arms. Maybe because the club lags behind the hands as it approaches the ball. If you have the definition please let me know so I can understand this better.

Jj Campbell says:

I like the fact that with the proper lag in the clubhead behind you have more time prior to impact and more lag I gives more time along with looseness wrist and rotation of the body generates Lovitz be but I'm not sure where the release starts whether it be in the right hip rib area right hip. Area or past the right hip area kindly advise thanks Jack

Jj Campbell says:

I think from your video I have a better understanding of lag when your hands are approximately in the right hip area have a full 90° L in that area and haven't lost any release and in fact your share is almost vertical in the right hip. And I also like the fact that the clubhead is way behind and that you say giving more time to release the club it may be hard to keep the shift vertical in the right hip area without tightening the wrists. Kindly advise thanks Jack

Charles Mataraza says:

Great tip..Most amateurs have no concept of club face awareness and how vital it is to producing consistent golf shots..I always use a mirror..Now it’s the putter..Cool..

MWF8 says:

I am very disappointed. At 2:35, if you would have thrown in an “air reel” after the casting example, this video would have been perfect. Keep up the awesome instructional videos!

Gabe A. says:

Is a strong or weak grip better for the easy swing?

Warren McClellan says:

great video Paul in Vegas

Melissa Cotter says:

Quite possibly one of the best videos I've watched as a beginner golfer. Thank you.

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