How to make a full swing (why YOURS won’t)

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How to complete the backswing (Make a full swing)

Steve Buzza discusses a reason why you may be trying to make a longer backswing but the more you try, the shorter it gets

Buzza Golf aims to create a fun community for golfer to learn about their golf game and highlight the improvements they can make alongside playing vlogs that showcase the good time you can have on the course.
#findYOURswing #backswing

Steve Buzza is a UK PGA Golf Professional and Sport Scientist currently based in South West Florida. Buzza Golf is a specialist in Driving Performance, recently completing a Biomechanics research Masters thesis ‘THE EFFECT OF TASK CONSTRAINTS ON KINEMATIC AND KINETIC VARIABLES
IN GOLF DRIVING PERFORMANCE' which explored velocity generation and functional variability.

Originally from Exeter in the South West of England Steve moved to to the USA in November 2017. Previously he was the Performance coach for a UK number 1 ranked university golf program and Head of Instruction for David Leadbetter at David's Bangkok facility.

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Sam M says:

I will definitely try this I always full swing on practice but when ball is there I always go half.

Willie Smith says:

Nice one Buzzman. Video very informative. Tried it on the range and aside from hitting them predominantly right it actually feels good. Will you be doing more vids to tie in with this idea? I.e. controlling direction etc?

jules says:

I will try that buzza , because of my back I struggle on length of swing with my driver , if I could get a few more yards on my driver but on the fairway that would be great ty m8 for that , well bud I'm 55 next year so I'm practicing hard to play in the amateur seniors tour , I'm gonna try and live my dream , starting January I'm going to do a practice course vlogs , range work and tournament vlogs on my new channel … live the dream buzza m8 ???

dan webb says:

I noticed you've sped up your checking the video out today Buzzman. I think overseeing can be a massive problem for us amateurs. I have a playing partner who ends up with the club head next to his left ankle. But I'll show him the video I think it will help him a lot.?

Jon Doe says:

I ALWAYS hit my driver as hard as possible. I mean that is what it is for right?? Funny as I hit my driver better than any other club in the bag!

Joe Wilkes says:

Good stuff buzza ??

silo42 says:

interesting i'll give it a go

BlueDayDo says:

I set up with my driver off the ground and level with the ball.
Should I set up with it on the ground like you do?

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