How to Quickly Discover Proper Golf Swing Sequencing

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As mentioned those first few holes where we're not warmed up and swinging “like a block” can be really damaging to our scorecard and is potentially prevented with something as quick as this on the warm up. Pick yourself up some therabands if possible and give it a go!

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? Music used:
▶ Leave Me Alone – Elro
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Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual's own risk.


James Mason says:

What exercises could do if you have one available to hold the exercise band

Anthony Esperti says:

Hello from the U.S.A. Been watching a bunch of your videos and trying to incorporate into my swing My question is , is there an arm swing or is the lower body swinging the club?…Thanks

stevo23777 says:

This is amazing content once again! It's interesting getting the insight from a tour player. Question though, does Foz need to consciously think about this in his swing, or is separation just something he lacks when he's not warmed up, but is 'natural' to him once he's played a few holes or hit a few balls?

John Kawamoto says:

Is there a reason you put the band on the lead arm versus the trail arm?

keith hacker says:

These exercises are something I could use in the garden before a game as our club has only a net to practice full shots.

Crispy Duck says:

That second exercise was interesting I think have been trying to spin the discs from the top and not loading in to the ground first and creating that separation – great job Sam and Mark

Adrian Guerrero says:

Great! Give it a go

Jeff Calhoun says:

I’m adding a couple of resistance bands to my golf bag, that way I can tie off to my cart or car before my round, get some stretching in before I hit the course. You guys arE AWESOME

Martin Borsboom says:

Would this apply to bunker shots, or just normal full shots

Alex Baldman says:

Marcus, I’m curious if you’re aware of Count Yogi and what you think of his completely different approach centered around an “infallible mental routine” to the golf swing?

Seems to me he was kind of like a Moe Norman/Houdini of a bygone era, certainly an incredibly interesting guy with a bonkers story and likely one of the best ever, though mostly from an era where there’s very little in the way of recordings – there’s very little out there about him any more to the point that he’s almost like this mythical creature, but boy from what I can tell he may have been one of the best to ever touch a club and it’s a shame nobody seems to know about him

Look him up if you’ve never heard of him – real name Hilary Frankenberg dubbed “Count Yogi” somewhere along the way, wasn’t allowed in the PGA back then because of his Jewish/Native American heritage in the days when they were strictly Caucasian-only and traveled around the country putting on magic show type exhibitions and hitting balls dead straight with not only clubs but sticks and crazy contraptions, supposed to have given lessons to many celebrities and pro golfers alike, etc.

Anyway just curious what your take on his philosophies is, as it’s certainly diametrically opposed to just about anything out there then or now..

Taught a young Mike Austin, may have helped Hogan find his swing, gave lessons to everyone from a Mickey Rooney to Muhammad Ali and JFK, taught blind people to golf, etc etc. – really just a biopic of a life story if even 10% of it is true..


Peter Richards says:

More great content from you guys at Zen Golf?. Found it really interesting how Mark demonstrated how it felt and the minimal swing differences between playing draw and fade. Thank you for posting!

Simmo says:

It’s more important that you talk in amateur golf stuff. Do a better job of explaining what the hell your talking about, please.

kidkash63 says:

Too much talk from client ??☹️☹️

Alan Shinny says:

Was watching dechambeau work with tim tebow just now. I could not help thinking, when dee was saying to tebow that it can't be explained and only done, etc. I thought, zen golf DOES explain it!

Sansfaim says:

Maybe it’s me, but I couldn’t see the difference between the draw swing and the fade swing. Maybe Marcus could do a session on that.

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