Increasing Your Golf Club Head Speed ?️‍♂️? | Pros vs. Ams

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Want to know how you can increase your club head speed?

Then this video is PERFECT for you!


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Athletic Motion Golf says:

If you want more solid, iron shots, check out our FREE training ?

YukonJ says:

what are the keys or drills to increase your hand speed earlier?

BCGreen21 says:

My mind just got so blown…

Thomas Leppert says:

so … how do you increase speed of hands quicker; what are the "Triggers" to do this?

Migeli Kali says:

In the before & after it looks like his torso rotation also started earlier and I can see that his pelvic is more open prior to and after impact, while his shoulders are a bit more closed and to add to all that, he has produced more shaft lean at impact.
I would love to see the data on the rest of his body movement before and after – there is a lot more going on here than meets the eye, one of which is the torque he has produced and HOW he produced it using more lower body rotation in conjunction with increased hand speed.
When I look at the after, when he reached max hand speed, it was while his shoulders were more closed, which tells me he was producing more torque earlier and maintaining that torque through impact.
All of this tells me that he started rotating while leaving the shoulders, arms and wrists behind just a little and letting the weight of the club-head "LAG" while speeding up the hands FIRST – that creates AUTOMATIC Lag – then it just a matter of unfolding everything a little later and faster.
Please correct me if I'm wrong and/or direct me to a video that shows the details data on the rest of the body movements that are really responsible to the increased hand/club-head speed.
This is a very interesting topic that I can relate to because I too can FEEL the lost power in my swing and feel it more sequencing than simply speeding up my hands.
I used the drills of swing without a hand release so I could work on release timing, and to this day, when I remove me hands from the equation with my driver I gain 20-30 yards.
WHY ? – If I could just my hands to release properly with the power I'm producing without them, I would be back to hitting 300+ drives like I used to 15 years ago – lol

Great video as always – looking forward to meeting up and getting some detailed analysis and instruction from you guys.

Robert Rodriguez says:

Love your videos and analysis. Would you please illustrate how and what to do on any change you recommend?

K D & the Hawaiian Banjos says:

Would it help to make the backswing faster or slower

alecrosekrans says:

The difference I see between the amateur and all the pros is lack of external rotation of the trail shoulder.

Bob McGlone says:

You showed a great hand speed improvement. My pro taught me to do as you teach here. Confused about the body turn and right arm release tying it all together. Seems these all generate the power and consistency in the swing.

trop920 says:

Is there a drill for this

Brian Pottie says:

I’m definitely this guy. Swing so fast and don’t get results I should. Driver in particular

taty says:

The greatest video I've ever seen. Many thanks! Mike, can we say the acceleration of the hands/grip will be maximized when the right hand presses the shaft down "as soon as but not until" the club head just begins to shallow and free-fall? To me its seems like that.

William Bence says:

Thanks soo much that was fabulous!! I have been waiting for someone to explain exactly what you just said!!

Babyfreezer Gaming says:

Amazing video! I must of found some bad advice too as some say you should have max speed near contact, but it seems like you want to be fast much earlier

Mary Jane Young says:

Loved the visual of the difference between the pro & the amateur and the angle of their club head in getting more distance &clubheadspeed!! !!

Chris L says:

82 mph and he's complaining. I'm doing 50 !?

Steven Hill says:

Love to see the "how" to get the hand speed quicker.

Hal Goetsch says:

What drills are tactics can you suggest to speed up the hands at the transition if trying to “ hold the lag” doesn’t work

Matthew Hunt says:

Ok makes sense but is trying to accelerate my hands quicker going to make me rush the downswing? I'm a 5'9" 12 stone man with a 141 – 145 Mph ball speed driver…I feel I have so much more. I'm quite a physically fit individual. I'd love some tips on the best way to increase hand speed earlier in the downswing ?

Daniel H says:

Taking the theories mentioned here, I'd love to hear your guy's insight on Steve Stricker's swing, who has very little no or no wrist break. Thanks.


I Loved this information.
At one point I was a 5 handicap and stopped playing for years. Now, I started playing again and shoot high 80’s low 90’s…

It’s a bit frustrating, but this video site has helped a lot.
Thank You so much!!
Sincerely ??

Wade Finnegan says:

Great explanation

Golf whisperer says:

Hi great video how do I start my hands down earlier and quicker? Is it like a release as quick as possible from the top? Should it feel handsy and sloppy? What drill or teaching aid helps it?
Thank you

NBT 3 says:

It seems the lag is created by a good hip and lower body turn. Literally creating a pause at the top and using the strongest part of the body to create power.

NBT 3 says:

I think most of the club head speed is generated in the upper legs and core. I lost all that going through an illness. Trying to remind my length.

Thimo Jäger says:

this information boosted my game! Thanx guys!

Bob says:

I was aware of this hands in front of the ball at impact but thought on the terms of more ball compression resulting in more ball speed many thanks for the video

Bambi Mullis says:

I found this excellent to help understand the proper mechanics. I have just started playing and find myself overwhelmed with every video claiming revaluationary new concept to out drive or out chip or out putt basically ever golfer who ever picked up a club but most it's obvious even if they have developed a technique still don't understand "why" something is working, being the mechanics. My question is this. If you coukd go back to the very beginning before you learned or tried so many techniques what would you go back and learn and practice drill the most to develop the base mechanics that stick with you as the foundation of your game?

Robert Drlicka says:

This is Fabulous info!

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