Left Handed Golf Series – The Downswing

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Episode 5 of Andy's Learning Golf Left Handed
This video demonstrates the ideal downswing path for the shots Andy wants to hit.
It also explains the importance of taking each swing thought one step at a time rather than overthinking and filling your head with too many which will eventually prove destructive.

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Please watch: “Carter vs Fryer at Warrington Golf Club – Part 1”


Mason Spence says:

If your left handed which hand does the glove go on

Quincy says:

This helped me out instantly at the range!

Jon Priest says:

i played rh mostly growing up being lh i played lh if the clubs wernt rented yet have even played rh and lh same round often

Jörgen Sigvardsson says:

I really appreciate the comment you do in the film about bringing the left arm tight to your body during the down swing. This tiny piece of information is something I haven't heard from anyone else (including my club trainer). Last time I went to the driving range, I remembered that comment and 'applied' it (my right arm as it were, because I'm a right handed player). And darn, it made a difference really! It's much easier to hit the ball square now. So with that said: thank you very much!

Lamond Williams says:

I’m confused so should us left handed swing path be inside to out or outside to in

Jum Broni says:

I'll share a secret with everyone so you know if you golf from the correct side or not. Or at least you'll have some info to help make an educated choice. I started golfing 30 years ago as a righty. Then 2years later I switched to lefty. Maybe I'll switch back? The golf swing is much determined by your strong leg. If someone asks you to jump as far as you possibly can with a running start, most of us would jump off the right foot! Meaning your right leg is stronger. That usually means you'll be better golfing as a right hander. It also helps turn your hips. I jump off my right leg but I'm a lefty. A natural lefty will jump off their left leg.

tropheus guy says:

watch moe norman left handed view

Ady C says:

Right handed play golf lefthanded that's my excuse anyway

Bryan says:

Swing looks good tho for sure

Sheri St Marie brokered by eXp Realty says:

Thanks for helping a brand new lefty

Richard Laughlin says:

It’s nice to have someone left handed help you with tips. It’s real hard in a right handed world!

Azure Starton says:

Great video.

Cannabis420King says:

any righties that swing lefty?

Gunny Red says:

Hi Andy, great video,I have been looking for left handed videos to see where I go wrong with my swing.As all the other golf tips are right handed.Great videos and tips.
Cheers Pete

Kevin Dillon says:

Edit the video so you don't ramble and ramble. Just show the objectives and how to obtain it.

Gary Needham says:

Carter I'm left handed & played right handed for over 20 years but always wondered if I could improve beyond what I was if I had access to left handed clubs as a youth, I've recently purchased a left handed 6 iron & putter in & attempt to try left handed golf, any tips would be great as I had a few chips with the 6 iron & felt very disorienting aftwards but I can actually strike the ball but it all looks wrong /odd

Team PurpleRaiders says:

im a lefty too

justpar2012 says:

Looked like the right side  shoulder took over and you pulled it right. A big problem to me also as a lefty with right hand dominate.

Thomas Fraser says:

Try predominately to swing the club down with you right arm and I promises you that your impact will be much better. Less thought on the left side.

Cian Grimes says:

+Improvemygolf 101 ways to swing a left handed club xo

sean Erecacho says:

thanks for the advice keep up the good work

justpar2012 says:

Why would you go back to left handed???

Ian_ W says:

andy, seems to me your hitting it fat because your coming in way to far inside the line.

Tim Carsberg says:

Keep working at it, will be great to see your progress.

Pro man Golf says:

loving the videos great content

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