All the best shots from left-handed golfers

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From aces to incredible short game skills to approaches through the trees and everything in between, here are some of the best shots from left-handed PGA TOUR players through the years, including those from Phil Mickelson, Mike Weir, Bubba Watson and others.


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Sir Luco says:

2:27 Phil didn’t even notice the guy jump in the water ?

123456RaulMorales says:

Phil Mickelson throws/threw right and bats/batted left in baseball, just like Bryce Aron Max Harper, Wade Anthony Boggs, James Howard (Jim) Thome, Maurice Samuel "Mo" Vaughn aka The Hit Dog or Jason Gilbert Giambi.

Rodney McGiveron says:

Our course record is 63 by two different players …The next best is 64 ….All left handers .. I've had a 66 and a 67 and I'm left handed.. It's essentially a right handers course too ..

Jon Gauthier says:

What about Mike Weir?
Fukin seriously…

Terry Tawhai says:

Bubba watson is the man

Vedant Sodhi Banerjee says:

The caption should be changed to Phil’s best shots and other left handed players ?

Jack Schlichtmann says:

Basically just a Phil and bubba compilation

Kalda says:

Us lefty’s get so much hate. “You’re on the wrong side of the ball!”, “Your club is backwards!” I come here to be in peace.

connor fischer says:

Brian Batman w two aces in one day from my hometown of Savannah Georgia. Awesome

Lidia S says:

They look backwards

Marc Laporte says:

That first shot from Phil… That looks extremely hard and I can tell you it was even harder than it looked. Unbelievable.

Vivid Kiwi says:

That one guy in the striped orange shirt ??? 2:26

Matt Walters says:

Did Phil get his teeth fixed or something? He looked so damn goofy when he was younger lol

ben gurion says:

This video is just one more example of the natural superiority if lefties.

Joshua 윤호 Han says:

thats what you call a Hail Mary chip in from Phil the thrill. Good job Greg giving it to a kid wearing a Man-u jersey.

Shane Richard says:

There is a reason you can say "lefty" and everyone knows who!

Max Sahba says:

8:05 that is one of the most schrechiest reactions I have ever heard

natalia kafelnikova says:

Its really weird that every time we see Greg Chalmers in this video, it's just showing his hole in ones.

An open music curator says:

So :
Phil Mickelson, Bubba Watson, Greg Chalmers, Mike Weir, Bob Charles, Nick O'Hern, Richard Green, Steve Flesch, Ted Potter Jr, Brian Harman, Russ Cochran, Robert McIntyre,…
Who else was/is lefty on pro tours ?
Edit : i've gone reading on the web : Judi Pavon, Katelyn Dambaugh, Bonnie Bryant (Winner on the LPGA in 1974), Britanny Benvenuto, Cathryn Bristow, Angela Buzminski, Kelly Lagedrost, Malinda Johnson were playing left handed on the LPGA Tour at one moment or another.

Mark M. says:

No Bubba at the masters hitting that banana?

Scoping says:

Anyone know why Phil started to wear a hat in the early 2000’s. I dig the no hat look

Derek Huisman says:

Wrong side of the ball

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