Live Golf Lesson Club Path Changed

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Live Golf Lesson Club Path Changed. This is a live golf lesson with Mark Crossfield PGA professional AskGolfGuru. Mark helps a student change his club path to try and hit a improved golf shot with less curve. Using tech Mark uses simple and easy to understand golf ideas to help this golfer improve his game.

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John Best says:

Wow. A three hour lesson. 

Kevin mc donnell says:

mad how poorly he moved his body for someone who looked so fit and well

Wayne Trunks says:

Got a 3 hour lesson booked for next week with Mark. Can’t wait

HaHo says:

Okay, some high handicapper needs to chime in. Oh, that’s me? Without
beating around the bush; why are you talking face to path with this guy
when he has far greater issues in need of attention? Tell me I am wrong.
I am far from expert but surely his loss of back swing spine angle is of
great significance? He and every other YT fan of yours already understand
the face/path correlation, we get it. He clearly did. My issue is that he
might have left your lesson hitting balls nicely but an hour later it may
well fall apart. I’ve been there and for me the only way to progress is to
start from the ground up and accept a time commitment to learn. It’s a
subject of debate for sure; band-aid and hope it sticks, or go back to
basics and start from scratch. MacDonalds or Heston Blumenthal? 

rosenlefty12 says:

wow, the difference a teaching professional can make with just a little bit
of teaching. cant imagine the change which occured in the next 2 and a half
hours. no matter what you think of mark, he knows his golf, and hes a great
damn teacher!

Matthew Collins says:

This is just teaching him to hack at better angles! Ir’s still ungamely
hacking and he has zero technique. I don’t see the value in it-ok the guy
is clueless and has learned some path, face angle basics-but do you need a
three hour lesson for that. I just don’t get this teaching style, no focus
for me.

Stephane Gauthier says:

crazy transformation..
WIth a more stable spine angle he’d be dead on.

Golfguy076 says:

Mucky fingerprints on that screen

Digby Howis says:

A golfing life rescued again. Well done Mark.

I must say, it kills me seeing you touch a non-touch LCD :)

Christian V Petersen says:

Wow! I love the fact the by showing him numbers you can show him that he is
improving even if the strike was bad! Without any numbers I wouldn’t
personally continue with the same movement after a bad strike! Without
numbers it seems impossible to change only one part of a swing at a time,
compared to everything: path-strike-AoA 

Matthew Collins says:

Good lord! Id start with fundamentals. Really don’t think computers and
stats is worth it with someone so bad. Teach him a set up, back swing and
some correct movements

3rdgroove says:

Love those Live Golf Lessons.
Funnily enough, in his finish position he matched Monty right behind him…

Richard Starr says:

Mark I have a question concerning being ambidextrous. I’ve been a left
handed golfer my whole life put lately I’ve been tinkering around with club
testing right handed clubs and I’ve found that I’ve actually gained some
swing speed and distance going righty. What kind of things would you look
at in a comparison between my left handed game and my right handed game to
justify switching the handedness that I play the game?

TheDanbarian says:

He will believe in the changes more now cause mark has already showed him
how to hit it straight/a tiny draw the body will quiet down with those
funky movements he has with a bit more practice and understanding of his
golf swing. For me he has done the right thing seen a coach and got his
technique correct from the off he will be single figures in a couple years.
Wish that’s what I would have done and not wasted 10 or so years before
seeing a coach.

itubeutude says:

Body movement was really bad. He was trying to smash the ball. If he can
get path and strike right, he will hit some great shots.

Angel Gonzalez says:

Those red pants!! haha

Ralph Melis says:

Your teaching facilities are awesome

Justin Yorks says:

I think he’s crowding a ball a bit. Back when I started golf I had that
issue and it reduced my mobility, hip rotation, and overall shot

mark bailey says:

Does make me wish I was still in the uk your methodology of teaching is
exactly what I was looking for when I was getting lessons. I’m a reasonable
player but would still love to see what improvements your style of teaching
could get out of me in an hour! 

gmills188 says:

Looks like a brilliant golf lesson there, the guy did have problems clearly
with his swing but looked like clear improvement even after 10 mins. Great

Nate says:

swing and path issues same as me, wish I could find someone around here to
give me numbers like that. 

scotti2hotti2 says:

Very good lesson MC, interesting to see your approach of identifying the
problems through the numbers then seeing what that looks like. Great use of
the technology available. 

itubeutude says:

Body movement was really bad. He was trying to smash the ball. If he can
get path and strike right, he will hit some great shots.

Sir2ube says:

really good stuff this, great to see our own swings on youtube. perhaps you
could give him a half hour freebie in a few months time to see his progress

Richard Burrows says:

First thing I thought before he even hit the ball was if those clubs were
custom fit he needs to demand a refund!

SnakeFeeder says:

Hmmmm….I would like to book an 11 minute 51 second lesson please… :)


An excellent lesson showing the detail and importance of knowing how the
golf club face strikes the ball. Can’t wait to see the continuation of this

gnatuw7180 says:

What’s the equipment Mark is using for data collection? I’d like to find
out if any local instructors can provide this type of swing analysis.

Bremblefly says:

The progression of this guys swing would be fun to watch as you work with
him. I would like to see more videos like this. 

TheDanbarian says:

I don’t want to blow to much smoke up his arse, but for me mark is a very
good coach and even though he is miles away I might go see him one day. I
have been playing 17 years now and since I started watching his vids I have
started learning a lot more about the golf swing and why I might be hitting
certain shots on the course. 

Steve Taylor says:

I really want a lesson with you, 11387.16 miles is just to far to travel!

Daniel Smith says:

You should set up a skill bus traveling the country giving lessons so I
could get one in Liverpool lol

Bradley Walker says:

I may fly across the pond just to get a lesson of this quality. 

Kamron Ahmed says:

ugh. if only you were in LA. 

mark bailey says:

Too easy Mark! must feel like your cheating sometimes.

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