Measuring Loft and Swing Weight on a Wooden-Shaft Golf Club – Hickory Golf Club Repair #7

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Hickory golfer Christian Williams shares his methods for measuring loft and swing weight on a hickory-shafted golf club.

Learn two surprisingly accurate ways to measure loft without a loft/lie gauge and swing weight without a swing weight scale.

Related links to this video:
– Quick Shaft Clamp from GolfWorks:
– Loft/lie measuring gauge used in this video was made by and purchased from eBay seller rjstage:
– Swing weight calculator:

#hickorygolf​​ #golfclubrepair #golfhistory #antiquegolfclubs


CorgiDoom1881 says:

I just did this with a Mashie I replaced in my playset because it felt too light and was very difficult to get air born. It came out to "Too high to calculate! Are you sure there is a head at the end of the shaft?" Haha! Weighs 373 grams 26" balance point.

Michael Cruz says:

Is there another way to find loft on a hickory shafted golf club.

brad korando says:

Nice practical approaches to determine loft and swing weight. Much appreciated while I wait for the delivery of my back-ordered swing weight! Thanks for the videos, they're really well executed and fun to watch. 🙂

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