RANKING all the BEST to WORST golf training AIDS!?

we take a look at the full spectrum of golf training aids, to see which ones you should put in the bag and ones you should avoid!?

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Where my Hats are from Pharoah Co

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19 thoughts on “RANKING all the BEST to WORST golf training AIDS!?

  1. Looking into these cause I stated golf 9 months ago n came along ways I fixed a bad slice to hitting 275 straight but my irons n flop shots need work n winters coming so I need a training aid to get me through 3 months of winter.

  2. Speed Training is different from Training aids.. actually is a complete different category with multiple players: SuperSpeed, The Stack, Ryp Stick (my favorite)

  3. Just started to use a thin elastic string tied between two tees. From this you can set an aim line for putting. One aid I missed from the rating was a soft ball on a string around your neck to place in between your arms. I’ve seen many pros use this in practice

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