Rory McIlroy Golf Swing 3 wood & Long Iron (front view), BMW PGA Wentworth, (Surrey) September 2019.

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Rory McIlroy Golf Swings – tee shot with 3-Wood from the 6th hole (Par 4 of 418 yards) and Long Iron second shot from the fairway on the 15th hole (Par 4 of 489 yards). Videos taken at the Pro-am for the BMW PGA Championship on Wednesday 18th September 2019 at Wentworth Golf Club – West Course (Virginia Water, Surrey).

High-speed video taken with Sony RX10 IV camera set at 250 fps and a 1/3200 shutter speed.


sawy78 says:

I acquired these golf swing techniques , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it), read it in a single night, and the next day at the driving range applied it. I was quickly taking right divots with my irons, properly after strong impact. I was striking approximately ten to fifteen yards farther with my irons than I was used to. Try it yourself!.

Homelander Plays Golf says:

We need sound pls

Casey Deguchi says:

Is it normal to have the ball teed up so far back or is that just a Rory thing?

TB22 says:

sway drill- note to self don't mind me

CountMackula says:

Is that Ryan Giggs on left during the long iron?

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