The AMAZING golf clubs that aren't expensive!

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Hi I’m Rick Shiels, welcome to my channel RickShielsPGAGolf. This YouTube channel is designed to help you play better golf, also to help you enjoy your golf more!

I specialise in golf club reviews, golf club unboxing, golf club news, golf club head to heads, and all about golf clubs.

I also want to make you play better golf by providing coaching video on all topics about golf, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons more pure, hit your irons closer to the hole and help you draw and fade your golf shots.
I will also help you lower your score by chipping better by stopping you duff and thin chips, pitch the ball closer and also create backspin. Also I will provide you help to putt better and hole more putts!

On this channel I also make fun and entertaining golf content based on crazy and sometimes “gimmicky” golf clubs. I like to cut through the marketing hype about products and I like to give you the honest truth about golf equipment.

If you enjoy the channel make sure you hit subscribe and also tap the notification bell so that you are always notified when I release a new video.


Neil Coetzer says:

Hi Rick! Awesome and helpful video. I myself got the gbb epic that I replaced with an m5 and absolutely love it!
Thanks for all the amazing videos!

Corey Schmidt says:

I bought myself a Ping G 2016 driver a couple months ago for my birthday. I absolutely love it. It’s 10 years newer than my previous driver and way more forgiving. It also just looks cool and inspires confidence at address with the turbulators and dragonfly wing crown. Someday I’ll replace my 30 year old starter irons.

Lucas Keating says:

Ping G410 or G400 driver.

TB1 says:

I'm a high handicapper & had to sell my previously fitted Ping G25 set up as we were low on funds. The time has come to get back into golf & my wife has signed off getting my dream (second hand) set up. My dream has always been a complete Titleist set up. I will 100% get the AP1's as I have played with them twice now & had the rounds of my life, but question re: Driver, is the difference between say a Titlist 917 D2 or a TS2 Driver & say a Taylormade M1 or PING G400, going to be noticeable or is it completely negligible at these price points? ie Am I overlooking a significant amount of forgiveness by being brand reliant?

Carter Anderson says:

I’m a new golfer 14 years old and I’m getting my first driver because I’ve been using my fathers clubs and his driver is quite bad. He’s looking for a full set of clubs and I just want a driver because his irons are great. I’m going used but I’m looking for forgiveness in the club so I’m looking at the ping g400 you mentioned in the video

Ari Gutierrez says:

Last year I've moved from a Nickent Evolver to a Titleist 915 D2, but with a fujikura Pro 50R shaft, and I love it! Maybe a shaft update makes the difference. Just right after the driver change, my instructor had a R9 4-wood head, which I've paired with an almost similar shaft in my driver (a Pro 60R instead of a 50R one). Man, that wood turned out impressive.

OxiClean Gets the Tough Stains Out says:

I still play an 8.5° Cleveland Launcher DST. Probably 15 years old at this point but I can still hit it further and straighter than my buddys M2.

Matt Kunesh says:

Thanks for the video. Just ordered a used Taylormade M1. Sweet price. $159 USD and in "good" used condition. Replacing the driver than came with my cheap package set.

Wade Wakelin says:

Just bought an m2 today for $175 canadian and I'm really looking forward to swinging it this weekend coming from my old r7 460

Daniel Morgan says:

I bought a brand new driver Callaway rogue st max, fitted to me which will be hit and miss in the 2nd hand market.

Jeremy Lohman says:

Actually last years or two previous models that does the same thing

Brian Truckey says:

Second hand, looking at a ping 410 SFT

keith scheible says:

You should do a Golfbidder challenge where every single club is a different brand. Not one club can be the same brand as another.

Eric Knowles says:

You’re going to have neck problems when you swing you twist your neck so hard and fast !

Ed Anzore says:

Pxg gen 4 300 uS dollars delivered

danny been says:

He Rick, raad jij het aan om de volgende driver te nemen voor een beginner? Taylor Made SIM Max Driver? Ik speel sinds een jaar golf en heb HCP 26. Waarom zou jij deze wel of niet nemen? Mocht je tijd en zin hebben om deze te beantwoorden dan graag! Groeten vanuit Nederland.

Ricky Brown says:

And now I'm going to browse golfbidder for a new driver. My old Hot Launch 2 D just has to go. Excellent video and plug RickShiels.

J G says:

I usually buy new but I try to buy last years flagship model or even two years ago's flagship club at a discount.

Stevie K says:

Second hand. I like cobra drivers maybe an f9 or SZ

ClydeBarrow says:

Do you have a store that you know of for us yanks? It won't let me use the site here

T R says:

Ended up getting the Cobra Speedzone driver recently, loved the sound/feel of it and it was pretty well discounted as it's a few years old.

Kenneth Dias says:

The only clubs I bought new are my volkey 52 56 wedges . I hit cobra baflers ping hybrids and 3 wood simm max driver. I love the dull thud of the Simm

Saxon Groove says:

The best advice I ever received when it came to new clubs and game improvement was this: "It doesn't really matter what clubs you use, it's the person holding it that counts. Get yourself some lessons before buying new clubs." Case in point – a buddy of mine from another country who's a decent golfer (8 hcp) came to visit me recently. He used my 15 year old Clevelend irons, which he's never played with, and a borrowed putter. He shot 79 on a course he'd never seen.

Anthony Fuller says:

Show the prices dude! Lol

Henk Mahendra says:

75% of my golf drivers & irons were bought as used in mint condition (some are ex golf store display) & perform superb ?

Peter Lee says:

I picked up a 2nd hand Cobra King F9 couple of weeks back for £135, and I love it so far!

Tim Pridgen says:

I’m still hitting my Nike SQ, but looking to upgrade. I will definitely be looking at these three drivers. Thanks again!

Robert Harper says:

I always buy second hand clubs

Serenity in silence says:

I just bought an original Cobra Ltd driver a few days ago. I would love to have the new model, but drivers in particular have gotten outrageous on their prices. I can put together an entire set of second hand clubs for just the price of a new driver. Plus, I can still get fit for a different shaft on my used driver since it’s adjustable. I don’t feel the need to blow $500-$600 on a single club.

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