14 thoughts on “The Secret Lives Of Tiger Woods

  1. I wonder what celebrities they were talking about that wanted women. If you
    are paid to get laid wouldn’t that be the biggest insult for a prostitute
    to want to get fired rather than have sex with your celebrity ass? Who are
    these rich people getting hookers fired for not wanting to give up the

  2. These women have to get it through their head except his wife that they are
    just sluts and they should know they roll, lay on your back and just scream
    yes yes,lol these woman slept with this man knowing his married ,Tiger to
    blame for the too, he brought those sluts in to his wife life, He had a
    good wife and messed up big time he is bigger slut,of them all,. He must of
    know these type of girls are not loyal, hilarious

  3. I have one question, Why do rich back american men tend to choose only
    particular type of women once they are rich? To be specific white women?
    is marrying a white lady and having particular skin colour children is
    considered some form of privilege in black community? or do they hate the
    dark skin tone if they have children from black women like themselves? 

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