The TRUTH About Creating Lag NATURALLY In Your Golf Swing

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SFretchillin says:

Great video. Tension is something most of us, including me, struggle with. Have been working on these principles for a while and this video brings a lot of pieces together. Question on hand pressure. Did I understand correctly the implication you should use the index and middle finger of your lower hand to apply pressure when releasing the club?

Alexander Macleod says:

3.27 Mike Malaska wouldn't like that ?. I love this guy. A lot of what he says makes total sense.

Lesley Willis says:

Please look at the operation of a medieval trebuchet. It’s an upside down golf swing and the release is superb. This is despite not having any control over the “wrist” as there is none, just a loose hinge. If you leave the wrists loose the release will be controlled by the physics of the turn and gravity. This is very important because this release will be the same EVERY TIME. Try to time that with a conscious effort of the wrists. No chance!

maxwired 223 says:

I have learned so much from your instruction, but this is confusing. According to AMG guys they say hardly any pro golfers swing like this based on their data. They pointed out that the arms in transition come straight down before the body starts rotating. Also when you were shooting with
Malaska he talked about the club wanting to lay down, and tipping the club vertically slightly counteracts that so you’re not getting stuck or dragging the handle. Can you talk about the differences?

Andy Taylor says:

This is a GREAT video and such a simple and powerful way to become a better golfer. I am hitting the ball so much better because of applying "Natural Lag!" When I do it correctly it almost feels effortless! Thank you Trevor and Eric! Do more. Andy, Corning, NY

Phillip Harrell says:

Perfect explanation

Mick Hunt says:

Trevor is the absolute best. Thank you. Had a golf coach in Malaysia, modest, quiet, most he would say is 'leave it there' – for most 'problems' golfers had 'leave it there' – people would get frustrated with him, they wanted him to play for them, basically, he'd just say 'leave it there' and let them work it out. Loved watching him work, 'leave it there' – you get 'rotation', lag, hip trigger, relaxed wrists the lot. Leave it there haha, thanks guys, your videos are also hilarious 'I threw up on myself' haha. Perfect!

Erich Mikula says:

Dear Eric, I have a question please.
A golf teacher tells me, "hold the upper body back, while the upper body goes foreward".
Trevor speak about the "transition loading", so the rythm is important, I think.
If I hold the upper body back, the rythm is not so good.
What you think please Sir?
Thank you, Erich

Roger Dodger says:

Weird I found this a lot better than I expected it to be

Deb Feltner says:

Wow pure gold here gentlemen in explaining the most misunderstood part of the golf swing

Stevie K says:

Oh can’t believe we didn’t get a “that’s about as solid as I can hit it” so deserving

Matt L says:

As a teacher, viewing this entire series of videos has been fantastic. Trevor manages to explain a lot of things in much simpler terms than some others are able to. Very easy to translate to students who aren't bio mechanics majors. Science backs this up. Not everyone will feel it the same way but a large majority of people should benefit in one way, shape or form. Will absolutely help using some of these explanations and drills with my students and will certainly not be afraid to share credit where credit is due.

desano1975 says:

So many truths we can't keep up

Dave Cohn says:

Sergio is possibly the worst model imaginable for those of us who lack his talent
Sergio has always been a great driver of the ball . But he tees it up very low , hits the ball low and sometimes takes a divot in front of the ball with a driver because he hits so much down on the ball.
Teeing the ball low and hitting so much down will work for only a very, very small % of golfers

Jeff Edmaiston says:

Can this same concept work with the driver swing? By the way I had a decent swing that had me scoring my lowest and started watching a bunch of videos. That had me screwed up. Not yours. ??‍♂️ But a buddy turned me on to you and I’m slowly getting back where I need to be. Now I tell everyone about you when they need direction. Thanks!!!

Erich Mikula says:

My dear Eric,
thank you for this great video.
This is exactly this, where I work now in the moment.
I play with dead hands, only with my body.
I have no slices now, only hooks by bad shots.
I´am longer.
The transition loading also I try. I must find the exactly moment,
where I must start the power and the muscles.
Perhaps it is to early now.
When I will "fired" with the arms, I sliced.
Thank you very much, Erich

Steve strang says:

Great video. Like snapping a towel

Harold Pohoresky says:

Great point you are making when you say the more you can get the club shaft perpendicular to the spine the faster you can swing the club head. I think this is a big point that is missed in the minds of many. That is why shallowing out the club (ie.e getting club shaft perpendicular to the spine during the transition ) is so critical to creating club head speed. The faster you can move the shaft by getting it perpendicular to th spine in the downswing, the faster the club head the further the ball goes.

Dave Cohn says:

The real key to maintain lag until late in the downswing is to initiate the transition
via lead hip external rotation which in turn will rotate the the lead knee.
About 1/2 of top golfers have their wrists set by 9:00 going back ; almost all the rest do so by the top. There is really no need to float load .

Kevin Beardsworth says:

The problem with saying you shouldn’t try and creat lag and then advertising and marketing a lag trainer like the precision impact contradicts the whole video for me.

William Wilson says:

Mr Cogorno and Trevor – excellent instruction as always. I really picked up on the 'last 3 fingers of the left hand' mention. How 'bad' or misguided/misunderstood has instruction been over the decades? I'll be 67 in April, still fit & healthy, and playing to scratch/low handicap. Things could've been so much easier – aargh..!!!

Gungho Golf in Austin says:

Great video, Eric and Trevor! It seems “float loading” has gotten a bad rep in some instruction circles, but I agree that dynamically loading (and shallowing) using fluid wrists against the weight of the club is the most natural, athletic, and powerful way to swing a golf club. It can feel truly effortless when you get it right.

And it can even be done with a pause at the top – look how little Cameron Young’s wrists are set at the top when he takes a slight pause.

Most ams try to forcefully put the club in positions, cranking their trail wrist into full extension and keeping it there, instead of just relaxing and letting it “fall” into the right position.

Javier Vigil says:

This is gold, I really like the way Travis explains the swing. I'm with him on this, hitting the ball is a result of the rotation of the body and reacting to the weight of the club, makes sense and much easier to create lag.

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