Throw the Golf Club Philosophy

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Golf Life travels the US meeting and working with top golf teachers. We caught up with John Miller at The Reserve Club in Indian Wells, California to get his thoughts on the swing and golf instruction.

He discusses his general concepts on the hitting a golf ball, how are body and arms move to have success. He also introduces us to his concept of throwing the club up to a good position in you back swing.

John Miller teaches and manages The Reserve Club, a private country club in Indian Wells, California. If you'd like to learn more or meet John please visit

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Please watch: “Lessons with Buttsy – “Deaf Lefty””


GENZ says:

Dude, hit the ball!

Show us the throw philosophy in action.

This video did nothing.

Kalahari Safari says:

Bha ha what a clown?????

Thomas Fraser says:

If one were to really throw the head of his golf club over his/her right shoulder; the weight of the club being thrown back over the shoulder would place the golfer in an unbalanced position at the top of his/her swing.

Swing the handle and the club will travel in a path that is parallel to your hands. I promise everyone that this is true and so does the little pro Ed Merrins. Cheers

Jay Venable says:

Can I get a lesson with mr Miller? If so how do I reach him

Robert Bernard says:

All yak yak yak and not one ball hit to show the result. ?

Charles King says:

This is the first time I’ve seen this gentleman, as a former golf coach- he Checks all the boxes..
this is not “smoke and mirrors”

Leroy Brown says:

Wow, i knew to throw the club at the ball but was never told to throw it back as well. This is instructional gold. Thank you

Pat Ryan says:

Tony Luczak teaches essentially the same thing.

Rohit Das says:

I absolutely agree with this ‘thought philosophy ‘ . It really works well. I’ve always look at the back swing like your swinging a sack of potatoes over your shoulder. You’d have to be loose and use your core momentum to achieve it. Everything then suddenly gets natural.

Rob's Axe says:

The term "swing" he interprets as a negative.. I get it but that's his perception. Throwing to the right shoulder may cause a sudden grip pressure increase at the move away to get that done.. I kinda like the thought but not sure. Shawn Clement uses another term that I like better but can't remember at the moment lol.. heave I think he uses.

Nocy Music says:

Nothing make sense talk talk talk

norrispg says:

This is your philosophy? You need a dictionary because you're misusing the English language

JD says:

lol… cmon …….this is laughable!!

mudddge says:

Way to talk, and not demonstrate anything

deldridg says:

Makes sense… but now for the "throw" in the other direction please! Currently working on my sequencing and there is an answer along these lines – I just feel it! Cheers and thanks – Dave from Oz

Fred C. Dobbs says:

"My golf philosophy….". Already too complicated. Adios.

Steven Grace says:

Great, also as Jackie Burke says "throw your hands down the fairway"..

TheNYgolfer says:

"Throw the club over your right shoulder". Priceless! 🙂

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