So we take a look at the top 5 drivers you can get for £50 in the year 2020 and which ones might be better for you. Let me know if I got it right or not?
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Kool breeze
One of the things that always dawns on me when looking at 2nd hand clubs is that no one is making fake Benross clubs whereas it is hard to know if the big brand clubs are legit from a few pics on an eBay ad
Sure you won't read this but do q 2022 or 2021 version I need a new driver really bad
I just got my Xr driver I love it
What do you think of the Taylormade burner superfast?
Can you change the title to £150? Nice One
And now you can’t get a G10 under £69 Buy it now.
Another great video Simon can you do one with Threewoods I am trying to build a set of clubs that I can leave in Spain when all this crap is over.
Don’t know where you guys are finding these prices, most of the clubs mentioned are $100+ on eBay for me.
Hi, l live in Dublin ( Republic of lowland). I was watching your website for the first time and was wondering do you deliver to Dublin and how can l get in touch with you. Kind regards, Shaun Flanagan.
Nice touch on the lockdown humor
Benross Delta driver is now floating around the £100 mark on eBay, might be worth another visit to this video. Enjoyed it though! Keep going!
The only honest club reviewer not prostituting for a company.
I started this video trying to find a new cheaper driver to get and the first driver you went over is what I was already using. The Ping G10 has stood the test of time and it was passed down to me by my father. A lot of my golf clubs were but this driver is especially unique to me for that reason. Thank you for reminding me that new, doesn't always mean necessary and for renewing my faith in my father's driver I love so much.
I use benross hybrids – absolutely love a 245yd 17deg RIP hybrid tee shot – great gear , well said Simon
Bought my XR 5 years ago and still absolutely love it. Easy to hit and goes miles. Really enjoying the videos of late, keep up the good work!
Smug bastard
Which one of these would be best for a beginner? I’m just starting out and know very little.
Brilliant video! Just bought a BenRoss Hotspeed Driver for £30 of FB! Can't wait to get it on the golf course. Keep up the good work ????
Great video loved the old ads, they were so good back then. Also really helpful for me as I'm buying a driver. Was gonna replace the G5 i used to play with might as well get the upgraded version.
Been using a G10 since it came out. It's durability is what keeps it in my bag. Bought a Mizuno ST190 and really liked it, but literally one mishit to the crown and it was busted open. The Ping has taken hundreds of such shots without even a dent.
Simon, looking to update my driver. 6'3" high spinner of the ball. Current driver is cobra bio cell, project x6.0 stiff shaft cut to 43inches. Would be looking to spend £100 to £150 tops, current driver is about 275 carry with little rollout. Was thinking about the first M1. The option of fade bias would be something I would prefer