Top 5 Harness Drivers of All Time

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Meadowlands horsemen name their picks for harness racing's top 5 drivers of all time.


Greg Craig says:

Dave palone is good but doesn't like to go up against the big boys

Greg Craig says:

David Miller is my favorite

hollywood4594 says:

Tony Morgan is one of the top five drivers of all time won more racing than any other driver not riding for top trainers meaning he had to earn it …

Gia Guidera says:

O Donnell
Bill Haughton
Stanley Dancer
Cat Manzi

Ray Gordon Teaches Chess says:

Carmine from the 8-hole.

Ray Gordon Teaches Chess says:

Earl Cruise for the win!

Anthony Smith says:

Luc and Cat man

GongShowNews says:

John Campbell, Dexter Dunn, Bill Odonnell, Herve Fillion, then choose any of twenty others for the other one.

Michael crews says:

Harmon crews
@lincoln downs
Nipped.@the wire photo finish.19.70 to71…?
Oh. The horse leica.childs
Yankee twist.crimson sides..had one eye my Father
Bought for 90.00..

Andrew Dekovitch says:

Nobody said anything about Miles

Andrew Dekovitch says:

How about Jean Sears ? lol…..

Ty Holton says:


Ty Holton says:

The fact that yannick said Stanley dancer and Walter case shows he knows what he’s talkin about… jus wanna throw out there the pride of Newark Ohio the Big T Terry Holton is the Ohio ?

shane faulkner says:

Tim Tetrick is making his way on that list.

giarc says:

A driver or jockey is as good as the horse their on period.

Paul Warwick says:

Nobody mentions Keith Waples.All round horseman

Terry says:

Ron pierce
Jack Moiseyev
George Brennan
To name a few

Fred Zag says:

To me I liked anyone the drove. Saw Schnitticker when he was young, always got has share of wins. Thought Doug Snyder was a giant till I saw him in person, he's not. Liked Charlie Flickinger, because he made all his horses paced the same movements. There's one horse owner who buys dinner for who ever' around. Forgot his name. Liked all the greats . Thanks for the presantation.

John Onda says:

Ron Pierce was a great driver, but has absolutely no class ommiting John Campbell.

n/a n/a says:

Walter case was the best!! The drugs got to him… What a driver on a half mile track!

Gregory Perkins says:

Yannick might be on the list

rccalhoun says:

shelly goudreau

The Manager says:


The Manager says:


Scott R says:

Joe obrien….buddy Gilmour. …tetrick….Walter case. Bill odonnell

Kenneth Kobylakiewicz says:

Ron Pierce without question!!!!

Alex Merel says:

John campbell walter case jr mike lachance bill houghton cat manzi wally hennessey ron waples bill odonnell

Fourwing Sweepa says:

Brennan so underrated

Richard Nicklas says:

Luc ouellette Walter case kings of Yonkers

farrier ss says:

Thinking different track have different list.
Yonkers Herve and WCJ
Meadowlands Campbell and O'Donnell.
Brennan calls himself on list, I like that in a driver.
Sholty and O'Brian not mentioned enough.
Give Billy Haughton big credit for placing catch drivers on the map when he put O'Donnell on Nialator, taking himself off. First big news of driving change I can recall.

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