PLEASE don't buy NEW IRONS until you CAN DO this…

Please don't upgrade or buy new irons for your golf game until you can do this consistently!

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27 thoughts on “PLEASE don't buy NEW IRONS until you CAN DO this…

  1. This right here is worth alot. Earlier this year I had totally lost my golfing mojo, guess it was to much christmas food or something. Anyways when I came back I couldn´t strike it at all. Took a couple of lessons, and they basically had me doing this, starting with small chips, going on to half swing, to 3/4 swings. And whenever I messed up I had to go down to a shorter swing untill I was back.

    Now at the end of summer I'm striking it better than ever before. Even got my draw back, so imagine that… It pays off to work consistently… Now I can try to eat less xmas food this season… and maybe still be in shape

  2. Loved video, no nonsense or bullshit, love it, i believe Golf Intructors should start a teaching video with Relax people ,no tention in your wrist , forearms, shoulders, any body says to hold a golf club like you have a egg or baby bird between hands snd grip.and try not to damage it, F,,, walk away , terrible advise ,a grip should be a 6 to or 8 in pressure out of 10, its your levers that need to be sumpel , shake your arms out relax try not be a pro wrestler like you have some one in a head lock, they youll understand theres no positions in the golf swing its done by forces, from your levers and rotation, let the wieght of the club do the work, Thanks man love the Honesty!!

  3. I'll happily buy new clubs to chunk it into the ground. Just as long as I get the satisfaction of owning new clubs is all that matters. Life is short, you do you and never let anyone hold you back.

  4. I’m just getting back into golf after a couple of years off. The last video I watched was you telling us my Nike Slingshot irons were poor and then I watch this video telling me not to upgrade my irons. ?

  5. Hi I just found this video sounds like me down to a tee would all these concepts still apply I'm now nearly 60 so the swing speed is bit on the slow side thanks les

  6. Honestly I just came across this and I think I had an awakening.. I’ve been doing that wrist thing you described at around 6:30 seconds all last season (it was my first) and I couldn’t find a way to describe it to even correct it, it’s horribly inconsistent and when you showed the angle in this video it was like my eyes were opened as far as the proper hinging motion you were describing.. going to go back to the drawing board.. thank you sir!

  7. It's taken me years to teach myself not to just go to the driving range and treat it almost like a workout. What you say about going down in club to build confidence and focusing on strike is so important but it can be hard to discipline yourself to do this. Great advice

  8. One length fixes it all! Only long club you need is the Driver. Hit 300 balls over one weekend at the range with one length from 3 to LW and you will be set for good.

  9. I wonder how many people go for a fitting (especially through big franchise fitters), where the fitter tells them – save your money and get some pro lessons first… probably not many.

  10. Simon, great channel. I would be interested in seeing a video on building a bag for senior golfers. I am 67, driver speed around 80-82 mph, carry is 185-190 yards.

  11. Now this is something I can really use, so simple but what a massive difference it will make finding the low point in my swing, keep up the great content Si ?

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