TrueTemper Iron Byron Golf Swing Robot

The original golf swing robot, iron byron as it was called was designed and built by True Temper. During a visit to Mizuno's US headquarters I learned that new features, a wrist and hand had been added. I made the tip to Memphis to see and understand this golf swing robot from its creator, True Temper.
Dayson Flory took the time to explain and demonstrate their robot. It is a great story in of golf technology.
This was my first use of a video camera on a crane. The focus is soft. I apologize for this technical glitch.

4 thoughts on “TrueTemper Iron Byron Golf Swing Robot

  1. This video is and the previous versions of it are an inexcusable misrepresentation that it represent,s at all, how humans swing the club. Its center of rotation of the machine is at the bottom of the chest heart of a human, which has no point or rotation there.. In addition it has a middle point of rotation of the club shaft on a post that always has the same perpendicular direction as the center post around which both rotate to form the swing.
    The human counterpart, which makes the human swing nothing like the iron Byron ….has 4 rotation points . And most obvious, your central rotation post of the center disk has absolutely no counter point rotation in the human swing. And you and, I suggest, most instructors are TOTALLY WRONG. The human waist, spine and legs are rotations solely for the purpose of giving the wrist arms and shoulders access to the rear aspects of the swing and to provide a firm foundation to push against when transferring the arm force through the club head to the ball at impact.

    To quote from the great Ben Hogan, he states adamantly that the swing starts with the waist rotation the shall be rotated as far and as fast as they can be……SO THEY ARE OUT OF THE WAY FOR A SWING TO TAKE PLACE! (The five fundamentals of golf)

    1. It Is the rotation combination of the waist and spine and shoulders in the backswing that have both shoulders essentially ALMOST Facing opposite the target line AND A LINE BETWEEN THEM FAR MORE TOWARD HORIZONAL SO THAT BOTH ARMS then have access to PROVIDE A BACKWARD ARC DOWNWARD AND TO THE REAR, when the down swing starts. Obviously, the rotation of the waist at that time toward the front, is counter productive! (And closes off the access to the rear prematurely, frankly!

    2. During this first part of the back swing there is also a separate wrist rotation axis that that starts out essentially facing perpendicular to the flat plane the forearms of the golfer, form at address. (somewhat pointed in the general area that Byron's large disk axis and club hand attachment post are pointing. But that is the last time until impact when the human hands return to the address position that it is pointed in that direction at all. It then rotates until it is pointed straight up and ultimately at the top of the downswing that axis is pointed downward! And I have a practice club in which I attached a 6 inch dowel permanently attached to the shaft at 90 degrees to the forearm at address, in part to try and get your description permanently out of my head, as I watch the reality driven way it rotates during the backswing and downswing, which is a critical rotation, that Byron doesn't have, because it is a machine and our human body is not. Among other things all of its moving parts are in close tolerances of their single planes of motion. Humans have no such confining tolerances machine into them, that make Bryon's motion and result the same every time. That in itself should have told your engineers, they were not duplicating the human swing in ANY WAY.

    3. And the huge difference in our swing techniques, is the Byron machine machine rotation is precisely present and controlled so that when the club head reaches the impact point, the club shaft is vertical. Our force motors muscles are attached to our bones through ligaments, each of which have there own mechanical advantages that change continually, and therefore the force applied, as their respective angles change. And as the angles change the mechanical advantage multiples that determine the speed aspect of the force being transferred change! AND THAT IS FAR MORE COMPLECATED THAT ANYTHING Byron's engineers had to deal with. And with their measuring devices and trial and error they then know exactly what to dial in every time. And again, that is all done, the same way each time because of the close tolerances that keep everything in "check" so to speak and it's is simply the law of physics being inexorably applied, that is the source of Iron Byron's constant swing characteristics. Of course, with each different swing length, then human engineers, change the settings to some other arbitrary settings before the swing commences. Humans do not have that luxury. And then they change the speed of Byron ALSO AHEAD OF TIME, so when the laws of physics are applied, of course, the club shaft will always be vertical!

    4. But we keep the 90 degree wrist angle potential MA increase system at 90 degrees for a good part of the swing to be released during the latter parts of the swing, as we must do, not some law of physics doing it for us. We also of course, unawaredly more often than not, have the laws of physics being applied, but with constantly varying inputs, created at the time of and during the swing and not capable of being preset!

    5. But then we golfers have a problem, we have so many variables that we are not aware of, that if you want to know the truth, those that write golf instruction books, never became aware of nor have Iron Byron's, engineers! They don't have a clue as to how humans actually swing the club and neither do their instructors. You will not find one golf instruction book that even mentions the word mechanical advantage and certainly not the specifics of what we can do. what we must do and and and what we must not do, to interfere with MA creation. And of course, engineers knew what MA Byron was working with and they simply built it to do so. They didn't need to know much else, all they hand to do was adjust the speed of Byron until the shaft was vertical, record what ever that data was as each club length was tested, when the shaft was vertical. That was all they needed to know about MA.

    And as far as I am concerned you did a very very wrong misrepresentation that Iron Byron had anything to do with the human swing, it does not. And obviously so. Other than it swings the club in an arc and always has the shaft vertical……100% of the time (which should have told you right then no. we are doing things very different than humans do them).

    And as far as bending of the shaft and torqueing of the club head is concerned, again your energy generated patterns are totally different than the humans patterns. If you charted the force patterns generated at each few inches of swing, I suggest you would find little relationship between Byron's and humans (which vary all over the lot!)

  2. Any attempts to hook this up to a machine learning/AI/Deeplearning, Player? Also if it is possible for the course could this be turned into a hole in one machine? Also any plans on ground movement systems (Tank Treads!) to get out on a course?

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