This is why you struggle to strike your irons pure and make solid contact ?
1. You are striking down on the ball as opposed to letting the circle of the golf swing collect the ball
2. You don't have enough weight on your lead foot at set up – BIG ONE
3. You aren't creating a simple circle in the golf swing
4. You don't have control over the club face
What's great is if you have any one of these faults in your golf swing they are really easy to fix and can make an instant impact on the quality of your ball striking not just with your irons but with your driver too.
For example if you want to hit your driver straight just getting the forearms aligned at address will be a real eye opener for you and if you want to strike your irons perfect simply shifting the swing circle towards the target will instantly improve strike.
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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!
I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.
On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.
Be prepared though. If its a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble
I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!
This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.
I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.
We look at 3 things:
1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver
and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing
Thank you for all your support this year. I really do appreciate it ?
I hit down on the ball, because I have been told over and over, ball first then ground, I don`t hit my irons very far, and sometimes hit the ground first, then the ball. I never realized you want to hit the ball at the bottom of the swing, or lowest point, I think I hit the ball an inch or so before the bottom of the swing, I never thought of the golf swing as a circle, I can`t wait for winter to end and try this out. I hit much better at the indoor range in winter, you know perfect lie every time on the mat, so I can`t wait to try this on the practice range before league play, i`m a 12 handicap, so I need all the help I can get, I am 60 now, I hit a 7 iron 140-150 depending on how clean of contact I make, thanks for the simplified tips. I am one of the older guys, but everybody else hits a 7 iron 170yrds.
Excellent lesson right on the mark.
Thank you again for a great video!
Great Teaching.
Is not it a problem for you as your students with such a Teacher won’t need lessons very long.??
Thank you so much for your passion of teaching
I posted a video of me doing this on my channel it really helped me. Thanks Danny I'm hooked
If by slightly closing the stance; moving right foot back, can the same results be achieved? Just remember to keep the hands and weight slightly ahead.
I’ve never had a problem using irons. I LOVE my 3-iron. My problem is I can’t hit woods.
it seems on your 5 wood you were really reaching to the ball is that good
I’m 80 years old and decided last year to return to golf for the physical activity. I last played golf in the mid ‘80s. Seems as if I’ve forgotten everything pertaining to a golf swing. I started watching numerous instructors on specific actions of the golf swing. Some were excellent, some weren't as effective. Watching you where you break down each aspect of the issue you are presenting allows me to grasp exactly what you intend for me to get. Thanks. Started last year with teetering breaking 100. Ended the year with 11.6 handicap. Can’t golf in the winter, so I make slow swings in my basement sing the instructions you have been providing. Can’t wait until the temperature gets to at least 60 deg F. Expect to be single digit handicap within a month. Thanks again.
Stack and tilt.
I was taught by Pete Cowen for 7 years and the feeling we worked on was slamming the shoulders down into the ball! This was in conjunction with the proper body action.
Love Danny but have to disagree on this one. Your sternum is the low point of the ball strike not your lead shoulder….
Excellent lesson ? again..
I was going to ask your opinion on the Stack and Tilt golf swing but I see now that you already have elements in place, IE weight forward ?
you are really a good coach ! Thank U so much .
So what exactly is the downside of moving ball further back in our stance. If we’re always hitting behind the ball, what if you just move it back like 3 inches? Wouldn’t you almost be guaranteed to hit ball first by default?
I like your videos, thanks.
Just starting golf at 36. Your videos have been a blessing to me
Danny…brilliant as always, I have all one length irons, so, do I keep my ball in the middle of my stance still ? and thank you for the driving tips, the catapult method and the swing circle has hugely helped with my game, I now get a steady 270 to 275 with the driver
Great video Danny as usual. Well described but I do have one question. Do I want to set up with 60% of my weight on my lead foot for all my hybrids and fairway woods as well as the irons? Thanks
I have followed you for several years, believing I was a subscriber. Apparently not. I now am. You are a very good instructor
Very good and so easy??
A towl behind the ball, is better than a stik?
Hi Danny love the content, I have a question…obviously you use two hands/arms to swing the golf club but I was wondering which hand is more dominant in down swing and or back swing? is it 60/40? 40/60? Or 50/50? Im right handed by the way. Thank u hope to hear back.
Watching your videos have helped me immensely thank you Danny
I have the concept but still hit it fat! Can't stop flipping, not trying to flip. Hit super high(flip yes). How do I fix that??