19* Hybrid VS 19* Utility Iron – WHATS THE RIGHT CLUB FOR YOU?

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In this YouTube video I take a look at the TaylorMade Stealth Rescue & TaylorMade Stealth DHY Utility Iron….both the same loft of 19 degrees but do they performance the same? We take a look at the different in golf ball flight, spin & distance! These golf clubs are clubs you will probably put in your golf bag but which one? Choose a club to suit your golf swing and golf game plus the ball flight you like to see.

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@FM-db3ft says:

I use both more for flight less for gapping – 2i in headwinds and rollout, 4hybrid with wind and carry over bunkers.

@agonizingplum6333 says:

I have a u505 3iron and being happy with my wedges, only 13 clubs in the bag I am considering a 22 deg g430 hybrid to my 14th club just under my 5 iron

@robg2516 says:

I’m a utility iron player. Prefer the look and play of irons. Looking down at a rescue or wood puts me off.

@2Eaglez says:

As a super senior with an 11.4 index, I play hybrids. The main reason is slower swing speed. I have been playing golf for more than 60 years and by changing the position of the ball in my stance, I can still hit that lower shot with more run out with a hybrid. The iron does not give you the versatility of being able to hit the ball high when needed.

@jasonbreding7905 says:

Can you customize the shaft length and still keep the carry

@jasonbreding7905 says:

Are you shortening the club and adding a heavier shaft ?

@JohnUssher-jk2qo says:

Utility irons have been a game changer for me in my long game. I just cannot hit a Hybrid to save myself. I don't know what it is, but easily the most inconsistent type of club I've ever used. No worries with a fairway wood, but a hybrid, for me, is an altogether different story. Absolutely love my utilities though. Super forgiving, feel natural to hit, and I get the consistency that i definitely did not get out of a Hybrid, and don't 100% trust myself with a fairway wood (although my 5 wood isn't going anywhere soon). There's a stigma about them I think, because of the traditional bladed 2 iron fears, but I recommend any golfer who wants to try another approach to their long game to give one a go. I'm a high handicapper, and these are some of my best struck, most consistent clubs. Love em.

@bobpegram8042 says:

I agree with you on the effect of wind. If I were playing a windy course I would have a long iton in the bag (or substitute a 2 hybrid for the 3 hybrid). If I were playing a non-windy course, especially with traps around the greens, I would use the 3 hybrid instead, assuming the course called for that length shot into at least one green. I don't use strongly hook biased hybrids since I have trouble controlling draw shots. I use neutral flight hybrids. I don't use fade biased hybrids either since I tend to fade the ball anyway.

@kicksgiggles9499 says:

UDI for me. I like a lower and penetrating ball flight and prefer the look of an iron.

@alecmacknight says:

i see you hitting the utility iron from the middle of your stance, is this preferable to bringing it closer to your left heel?

@paulkempster3619 says:

Should of used stealth plus is your doing a comparison of players irons vs hybrids

@KasuallyGaming says:

19* 3 UTI is what I want in my bag going forward. I generally play on a links course, so the wind on some holes destroys high tee shots + long Par 3's that have large, open spaces for a UTI would work well; plus the shorter shaft (and most likely graphite) allow you to swing a lot more aggressive & confident vs something long & bulky. I want to replace my 5 Wood with a Utility Iron, but keep a Hybrid for my 4, since I'm using that more often to reach long Par 4's or 5's & the playability factor with a 4H is needed. Always fun to debate the reasoning for certain clubs & when to play them!

@pat.robert2079 says:

I liked video, got me thinking ????

@ScottDreyfus says:

Driving iron looks like some chunky relaunch

@tigerbalm666 says:

Iron is ezier hitting low stingers. Hybrid ezier in fairway or rough.

@morganhanson7940 says:

Hi Mike
What length are you using for the test? (Standard) and how tall are you in relation to the standard length club?

Many thanks great videos

@paultrotter563 says:

Hybrid is far easier for me to hit but I prefere the flight of the iron .stealth hybrids are in the bag and won't be getting replaced .

@TheMrKordunas says:

I have Cobra SZ irons 4 to PW
My 4 I is 19° and carry is 205/210
What should I use to fill gap to 3 wood
5 wood or 2/3 hybrid

@TheAwesomeness756 says:

I’m a 21hcp, and I’m consistent at hitting my longer irons, my set is cb and has 3-p, I’m way more accurate when I’m hitting the 3i than my driver or 3wood. Thinking about buying a utility iron and either leave the driver or wood at home

@Xanne242 says:

I have hcp about 28. The DHY club is probably to difficult for me in theory. But I love it. Have a 5, and I strike it more consistent than my hybrid. In fact I’m now leaving my hybrid at home. Thinking about a 4 DHY also ????

@jazzyjay4595 says:

Guys the asterisk is not a degree symbol. Just hold the zero on your iPhone ???? °°°

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