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Very good drill. I’m doing this next range session. Been struggling with getting to lead side with driver some. My lead leg posts well but appears to be pointing back from target.
99% of people who try the body swing are over the top so it’s not easy
where's the drill?
This makes so much since, I honestly have never turned enough to get my belt buckle pointed that way. I feel like I am going half if that, and that is why I cannot get any power out of my drives. Wow
Tell ya its best to have your move down and go play.. its a great challenge gettin that ball in the hole in the least amount of shots…
Do not extend. You will unintentionally lift up and skull the ball. Don’t put that thought in your mind, DO NOT
I used to hear this way of teaching this move all the time. And something still wasn’t clicking. Than I watched a video of a guy saying “in order to clear that front hip, you’re using your left left leg and heel to push and rotate the hip out of the way. That was the money tip I needed that made it all click. Before that, I was just turning my trail hip towards the target. But pushing the left hip back and around with my left leg made the concept of ground forces click as well. ??
Awesome drill!
Great drill! Thanks for sharing!
Eric, is it possible as some Biomechanics suggest that , Rotational, Horizontal and Vertical forces are varied according to all golfer types and some of us might have less Rotational, and more vertical. 100% of all golfers have each but some in less percentage? How do we determine which and how much for each segment?