Dustin Johnson SUPER Slow-Mo Swing with SIM Driver | TaylorMade Golf

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Watch as Dustin Johnson unleashes all his raw power and athleticism with the all-new SIM driver from TaylorMade Golf.

Learn more about SIM driver: https://tmgolf.co/SIMfamilyem


C. ST. says:

Good video but the music has to go lol

O says:

THAT LAG wtf… his hips are already almost fully rotated before impact

michael graber says:

I don’t get how these guys get so high up and straight with their right arm. Mine literally only goes up half that far after having someone record me.

R says:

Like an eagle with how still that head is!

Mark Smith says:

Look how open he is while the club is still by his shoulder

chillier says:

Lot of wrist at the start of the back swing

sawy78 says:

These golf swing secrets and techniques , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) go over the golf swing in great detail. Halfway down the guideline and I am quite satisfied. I`ve obtained 3 straight low 80s rounds after reading this particular e-book..


7 years already went by when I started playing and all those years were full of practices and training lessons. Finding out these golf swing techniques , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) allowed me to taken a seventy-five after 2 buckets. Today, I`m more knowledgeable about grip, ball position, through swing drills, and much more golf concepts. My handicap is starting to decrease as well from 13. It`s exceptional guide!.

flaf says:

Thank a lot for this wonderful video! To me, DJ has the most beautiful swing of all time. Why? His hand stability in the impact zone is just incomparable.

Tristan says:

That music is sexy!

BOWZ KEI says:

back through club pass and vertical side of impact ball,zoom up footage.

Pab1oFresh says:

i can hit it twice as far

Aph says:

guys is it just me or did dj gain weight?

Darren Kapusi says:

Looks like a 180 straighty kind of swing

tyler storer says:

That spine angle on his finish is rad. Of course the cupped wrist and lag…
Never mind his hot wife I'd do him before her…
Just saying

X I says:

Never realized how strong DJ's grip is wow.

Joseph says:

Dustin eating that pizza boyyyy lemme tell u

Guess My Name says:

"Shall we get another bag? It's only 4 AM."

Polaroid White says:

He would hit it further with Ping gear

TaylorMade Golf says:

What's your favorite part about DJ's swing? ?

Joe Garza says:

Looks just like my swing. Lol. ??

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